Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Adult That Was Like a Child

  Ms. Wren P. Quillus was a perfect adult. She was neat, obedient, serious, and responsible. No one ever expected the day when she finally cracked.
  She was sitting on a wooden chair (not the spinning kind...way too irresponsible) in front of her computer typing away like a proper business lady. Lately, she had noticed a slight difference within her psyche. Something was building up like a thunderstorm just upon the horizon. It would turn out to be equally as dangerous.
  "Quillus, are those reports done?" her boss, Mr. Benning, asked.
  "Yes." Wren replied dutifully.
  The feeling continued to progress for the rest of the day and all through the night. It built up more and more. Wren became increasingly uncomfortable. She felt the need to slide down banisters, skip work, play on the playground, sing a silly song, and dance in the rain. Wren squashed the need as well she could and it was alll she could do not to skip to work.
  "Good morning, Quillus! Great job on your report!" congratulated Mr. Benning.
  "HI! I-I m-mean g-good-d m-morn-ning." she stuttered.
  Wren rushed into her cubicle and dropped into her chair. She squirmed uncontrollably. The mysterious pressure became stronger and stronger until the dam of her mind burst.
  The people in the office jumped up and ran to Wren's cubicle. They found her dancing on the top her desk. 
  "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!! BUM BUM BUM BUM!" she jumped off the desk, saying, "THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!! RUN!"
  Mr. Benning whipped out his phone and called up the "men in white." They arrived shortly dragging Wren Quillus out of the building. Later that day you could hear almost everybody saying, "Wren? Wren P. Quillus? She went crazy? No way! She did? Oh wow!"
  The doctors figured out that the child part Wren's brain had finally broken free. She was sent an insane asylum in Antartica. You can see her in Room 113. She's probably still there.

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