Friday, April 8, 2011

What Makes a Good Friend???

  Note: All names in this story have been substituted for the sake of privacy.
  It was one of those Mondays. The kind of Monday that makes you want to crawl under a rock and never come out. The kind of Monday where the whole world wishes it could go back to sleep. Of course you can't because you have to go to school.
  I was sitting in my desk squished between Matthew Greene and Rachel Poutanica. Matthew was straining to stay awake, and Rachel was bright and alert. Our teacher, Mrs. Rowac, was chugging down coffee like it was water from the Fountain of Youth.
  "Class, welcome our new student, Joanne Fisher." Mrs. Rowac sighed.
  A short girl walked in cautiously. She had short brown hair, and was covered in freckles. Her eyes were a slightly washed out blue. She carried a folder with puppies printed on it.
  "H-hi. I-I'm Joanne. Call me Jo." she stuttered.
  "Take the seat next to Morgan. Morgan raise your hand." Rowac commanded.
  I raised my hand slowly, and gave Joanne a small smile. She walked over and sat down.
  "Hi. I'm Morgan." I greeted.
  "Hi. I'm Jo." she said back.
  "Wanna be friends?" I asked nonchalantly.
  "O-oh. Okay." she agreed.
  That meeting started a beautiful friendship. Jo was really fun, she stood up for me, and she taught me that being a good friend meant that you always stick together.

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