Monday, April 4, 2011

The J.K. Rowling Monument

  There have been countless monuments dedicated to great people. If I could dedicate a monument to someone that person would be J.K. Rowling. She, as you probably know, wrote the Harry Potter series.
  The monument would be a huge stone statue of Harry Potter flying on a broom with Voldemort and two deatheaters chasing him. The statue would be made of granite or marble.
  I'd probably want the statue to be put somewhere cool like in front of the National Library. If I couldn't put it there I'd just keep it in my room. Or I might put it inside the Newark Library. All of those loacations work for me.
  People would (I hope) like to look at the statue. J.K. Rowling would have to see it too. What would be the point if she didn't know there was a monument honoring her. Hopefully, she'd feel flattered and happy.

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