Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Scariest Movie

  I've watched a lot of scary movies in my time and I can honestly tell you I haven't reallly been scared of ny of them. I'd honestly have to say the movie that brought me closest to being scared was probably either Resident Evil 3 or Drag Me to _. Honestly neither were that scary.
  Drag Me to _ wasn't that scary but it had a huge gross out factor. There were lots of dead bodies, and gooey stuff coming out of dead people's mouths, and killing kittens. It was so gross it was almost funny.
  Resident Evil 3 was scary because I watched it when I was eight. It wasn't a good idea. Let's just say I wasn't able to think of anything remotely dead without thinking about zombies. I watched it again in about a year, and I realized it wasn't actually that scary.

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