Friday, April 1, 2011

Shish the Fish

  When I was younger I would have given up my life for my goldfish, Shish the Fish. He was orange and yellow. Shish was the laziest, sorriest fish I'd ever seen. For some reason I loved him anyway. I can't imagine why. He did NOTHING.
  When he died I wallowed in my sorrow for a week. All over a ridiculously lazy fish. I now would never feel bad over Shish. I would never sacrifice my life for a fish now. That would be stupid.
   When he passed away, I went through a whole funeral procession. It included my parents, my toys, and I marching around the backyard. We ended at the toilet where we flushed Shish down.
  Yeah... I was pretty stupid. I really do realize that goldfish die quickly.

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