Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Would You Want That?

  I was enjoying a normal walk in the park on a normal afternoon. The sun was shining, the slight breeze cooled the air. It was really nice out.
  "Miri!!! How are you?! Why don't you come to mall with us?!" a sudden shrill voice disrupted my peace.
  "OH! THAT IS MIRI!! HI! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!!!" a bellowing voice followed.
   I would have recognized those voices anywhere. I cursed fate and, went to say my greetings. The whole time I was thinking "Why me?"
  "Hello, Bea. Hello, Trina." I moaned.
  Believe me when I say I don't hate them. Beatrice "Bea" Banaby had been one of the most popular people in college. When I decided I didn't want to hang out with her she decided to investigate (stalk). Katrina "Trina" Long was captain of the football team, and she's a girl. When I became the track captain she resolved to stalk me as well.
  "Miri, we were just going to the cutest little shop! Everything they sell is one of a kind. You should come with us." Bea beamed.
  "Uh....sure." I said, not wanting to be rude.
  I walked along with them until we came upon a cute little shop. It was made of warm rose colored bricks, and had a cute little sign that said, "The Unique Boutique."
  We walked in and a bell rang, announcing our arrival. A small, stout woman dressed in a loose purple dress rushed over.
  "Salutations! May I help you?" she twittered.
  I stared at her strange attire. Her red hair was tied back in a black lacy bandanna. Her shoes had dangerously high heels.
  "Yes! Yes! We are looking for something totally out there." Trina squealed.
  "Oh! I have just the thing!" the purple clad woman promised.
  She led us into the back of the store. The air got musty, and had dust floating around. The woman's heels clacked, and her dress dragged across the floor.
  We suddenly stopped. I was shocked at what I saw. It was the worst fashion abomination I had ever seen in my life.
  It was a hideously bright yellow dress that was ridiculously long on one side. On the other side the skirt barely hit the middle of the mannequin's thigh. The horror had little hot pink bows dotting the whole thing. A large hot pink bow was sown on the butt. The bodice was covered in yellow canary feathers and fake pink rhinestones. The dress came with a pair of pink and yellow zebra print stiletto heels.
  "Woah..." I was completely awed by it's hideousness.
  "I know! It's beautiful!!" Bea gushed. "I must have it!!!"
  "It is absolutely stunning, but I will be the one buying it." Trina insisted.
  "Deary me! This is one of a kind." the shopkeeper said. "Only one of you can have it."
  I stared in shock at my two companions. Were they really that stupid. The dress was absolutely ugly.
  "I want it!" Bea screamed.
  "GIVE IT TO ME!!!!" Trina screeched.
  I decided it was probably time for me to go. I slipped out of the store, leaving the the two morons to argue over the dress for all time. Just kidding! Eventually, the weird lady threw them out.

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