Monday, May 16, 2011

Cute...But Deadly

  The large unblinking blue eyes stared back at me.  I was vaguely disturbed by the disproportianate features of the creature. I directed my gaze back to the child holding the monstrosity towards me.
  "So, can I have it?" the child asked.
  "Where did that come from? I don't remember putting anything like that in my garage sale." I said to myself.
  The...thing had ridiculously large eyes in a too small face. Its nose resembled mouse's slightly.  The thing had fluffy light purple fur. I was certain I had never owned such a thing.
   "How much is it?" she asked.
   "Whatever you want to pay. I guess I forgot to price it."
   "I'll pay twenty dollars." the little girl offered.
   I reeled back in shock. Why would anyone want such a hideous little toy? Its shrunken little body, and its swollen head repulsed me. I didn't care if it was just a toy. I didn't care if it was supposed to be cute, and apparently was to most people. It was creepy!
   "I don't think that it's worth that much." I said.
   "Oh...okay. I'll pay fifty dollars." the child said almost in desperation.
   "You can take it for free." I offered.
   The child looked at me as if I was crazy. It was just a stupid toy. What was the big deal?
   "Thank you." the girl clutched the ugly thing to her chest.
   The kid ran away as fast as her little legs could carry her and jumped into a large black van. It sped out of sight.
   Around three weeks later I was at home relaxing in front of the television. Suddenly, my show was interupted by an emergency broadcast.
   "Warning! A very dangerous child criminal is on the loose. She can be recognized by the fact that she carries all her weapons in a one-of-a-kind stuffed animal." the new anchor warned.
   I felt a sickening, heavy sense of dread.
   "Here is a picture of her and her stuffed animal." a picture of the girl, and the bizarre stuffed animal I gave her flashed on the T.V.
   Oh no... I was in trouble. What if the police said that I was an accomplice? Well, at least I learned a valuble lesson. Don't judge a book by its cover, or you may regret it.  

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