Wednesday, May 4, 2011

If I Could Keep Time in a Bottle

  If I could keep time in a bottle the first thing I'd do is bottle some time and give it to people who are about to die.  People who are going to pass away should be able to say goodbye to everyone they love. It's important for people to die with no regrets, so they can use their time-in-a-bottle to sort out anything they regret about their life.
  I could also collect the bottles of time and sell them. They'd be worth a lot.  I'd have to be sure that I'd omly sell one per customer. I don't want people living forever. That's not natural, and I'm pretty sure there is a reason humans don't live forever.
  Honestly, I don't think I'd want to keep time in a bottle. Everyone has a certain amount of time. We should use it properly, and if we do we won't need timme in a bottle.

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