Friday, May 20, 2011

The Worst Movie I Ever Watched

  I've watched a lot of lousy movies. The worst one by far was Sleeping Beauty. I've always respected Disney movies because most of their movies are really good.  Sleeping Beauty is an exception.
  The main character is a weak, dependent female that does nothing but meet the prince, and touch a spindle. On that train of thought have you noticed how absolutely obvious the fact is that a spindle bathed in a eerie green light is going to be dangerous. Sleeping Beauty clearly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  Then there's the prince. Although he had the best intentions it isn't fair that the fairies get no credit for the part they played in Sleeping Beauty's rescue. The prince would still be locked up in Maleficent's castle if not for the fairies.
  So, honestly the movie would have been way more interesting if Maleficent had won, and not died in such a pathetic way. It was a really bad movie. 

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