Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home Free

  I can't help but think that sometimes my average day resembles a certain game we used to play, Home Free. The basic rules were that  the person who was "It" counts to twenty-nine while the other players hide,  while "It" was looking for people the hiding people tried to get to home base without getting tagged. If you got tagged you are "It." If you get to the home base and yell the name of the game you win.
  You may be wondering how exactly some of my days resemble this game. My average day at school starts with checking the clock occasionally, which is the counting.  I try to avoid getting called on, so I fade into the backround as well as I can. That would be the hiding. Then, at the end of the day I speed walk to the bus trying to get to my home without getting in any trouble. My home would be, you guessed it, home base. Although I don't actually call out home free, I think you can see the similarities.
  Not all my days are quite like that, of course. When I'm not in a good mood it usually ends up like this, though.

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