Monday, May 9, 2011

It Knocked Me Breathless

  I was around five years old, in my home. The television was blaring in another room. All my family was in the t.v room, except for me.  I had been reading a book, but it was really bad, so I decided to go see the rest of my family.
  Unfortunately, our dog wasn't allowed in the t.v. room, so there were gates in the doorways. I, for some reason, decided that I would climb over the obviously too tall gate. I struggled up to the top of it, my muscles aching. I sat on the top, ready to climb my way down when the gate loosened. My body slammed straight into the floor. Even though it was carpeted it totally winded me.
  I struggled to breathe. I felt pure unadulterated panic. My body was spasming. My mom and dad tried to calm me down. After a while they succeeded. My breathing came back. Let's just say I never tried to climb on those gates again.

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