Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chalky Nightmare

   It was only a few Saturdays ago when my cousins decided to visit randomly.  Only three of them actually came.  They were Harry, age ten, Al, age eight, and Ana, age two.  Ana needed to be watched because all the adults were out.
   There was no way I could watch all three cousins at the same time.  I let Harry wander off to do whatever the heck he wanted to do.  Al promised to stay in the family room and watch T.V.  Ana, on the other hand, had to watched constantly.
   Three hours later everything was calm, except for the fact I really had to use the bathroom.  I left Ana with Harry and Al.  When I came back one of the walls was scribbled on with chalk, while my two boy cousins were staring with glazed over eyes at the television.
   Let us just say I was really angry.  I got blamed for it, and Harry and Al were forbidden to come randomly visit me anymore by me.  They totally deserve it.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Previous Chapter

   My current chapter in life started right when I started my eighth grade year.  My previous chapter was my summer vacation.  I had fun in that chapter.
   One of the things I did in that chapter that was really important to me was when I went to Myrtle Beach.  A year before I had gone to Outer Banks, and I had missed Myrtle Beach.  The beach was nice and breezy, while the water was just the right temperature to swim in without my mom freaking out about the cold.  She does that sometimes.
   The hotel was awesome.  It was much better than any other hotel I'd ever been in.  Chase, my little brother, obsessed over the pool the whole time.
   My previous chapter was a lot of fun.  I'm just hoping this chapter will be just as interesting.  If it is I'll be impressed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zombie Segregation

   "Auuuahaaaghat!" Clarissa, the zombie cried out over the crowd of the undead.  A translator on the camera that was filming the gathering instantly translated the garbled speech into English.
   "We zombies refuse to be treated any differently than any other live citizen of Earth.  The way live people act as if we are monsters about to eat their brains is insulting.  Yes, we do eat brains, but you eat cows, pigs, and chicken.  Is that really any different?" Clarissa called out angrily.  "We will not accept the way we are treated anymore!"
   The protest had started three days ago when a live human tried to shoot a zombie, and the court didn't even send him to jail.  Zombies were forced to go to separate schools, and drink from separate water fountains.   No zombie was allowed to go near children, or living schools.
   Government officials (all living of course) debated on giving the zombies the same freedoms as a living person.  Eventually the zombies finally got the same rights.  It had taken what seemed like forever, but everyone, even zombies were equal.
   A few weeks after the zombies got their freedom there were no living humans anymore.  The zombies used their equality to end the living human race.  It just goes to show you shouldn't trust protesting zombies. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Lost Book

  "Rebecca! Where is that library book?" my mother yelled.
  "I don't know!  I'll look for it!" I yelled back.
  The real problem was that I lose library books all the time.  I'm not usually so forgetful about things, but I can't seem to keep my hands on library books.  I think it's because I borrow around fifteen books every time I go to the library.  Now back to the actual story.
  I ran around my house in a state of blind panic.  Pillows were thrown off couches, tables were overturned, and papers were strewn around.  I was beyond listening to anyone, which might be why I didn't hear my mom saying the library had made a mistake.  I ran around looking for a while before I had actually registered what my mom had said.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Games

  A few years ago, when I was around nine or ten years old, I had a sleepover.  I wanted my sleepover to be special though.  Everyone does sleepovers, and, being the creative child I was, I decided I'd have my own version of the Olympic Games, only more little girlish.
  The games I decided to include were the singing contest, dancing contest, skit contest, and a few other ones.  When my friends came I was really excited.  This was going to be a great birthday party.  We started with the singing contest, and let me tell you, Annie had the voice of a frog.  I felt bad about it, but the winner was Sandy.  Annie was upset, but she tried to hide it, and suggested we move on.
   The next game was the dancing contest.  Yet again Annie didn't win.  Annie danced with the grace of an elephant on roller skates.  I gave the prize to Cassy, who was an amazing dancer.  Annie scowled, but quickly covered it up with a huge fake smile.
   We all prepared our skits.  Annie delivered her lines with all the charm of a dead slug.  My friend, Lily performed with passion to rival Shakespeare.  I had to give the award to her.  But, Annie had had enough.  She snatched away the rest of the prizes and locked herself in the bathroom.  We were forced to call my mother, who called Annie's mother.  Needless to say, Annie wasn't really my friend anymore after that.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


   Hello.  I am RAD1303, the latest model of the RAD series of RS (Robotic Slaves).  I am approximately 5'4, and I weigh 213 pounds in metal.  Every other RAD is an exact copy of me, except for the fact my master experimented on me, and gave me the illusion of human emotions.  I preferred it when I was emotionless.
   Fear is one my least favorite emotion.  It paralyzes the mind, and makes me inefficient.  My sole purpose is to serve the master, but fear constantly gets in the way.  I do not suffer from the odd symptoms of fear that humans do.  My master sweats, and has what is classified as panic attacks when she encounters things that make her scared.  I, on the other hand, simply shut down, just as if my master had flipped my off switch.  It takes anywhere from five minutes to three days to start up again.
   I shall ask my master to remove my emotions.  I normally wouldn't do this, but I now can feel want.  I want to be back to normal.  Fear isn't something that should effect a RAD1303.

The Gingerbread House

   It wasn't that surprising when our stepmother threw us out of the house.  Why shouldn't she?  She clearly didn't love us.  We weren't her children, and it wasn't as if we were bringing anything to the metaphorical or literal table.  Yes, Hansel and I were basically useless.
   "Gretel!  Hansel!  Go away! Never come back!" our stepmother yelled ferociously.
   We meekly packed our meager possessions, but we didn't dare try to take any food.  Stepmother's cane was a very painful instrument of torture.  Hansel suggested we go into the woods.  Surely there would be food to find there.
   For day we trekked through the dense greenery.  My belly ached, my head pounded, and I felt as if I would faint soon.  Hansel was in slightly better condition, and he volunteered to carry me.  He claimed I was light for my age, which may or may not have been true.  I refused.  It was best to save our energy.
   Eventually I could hardly take a step.  I told Hansel to go ahead, and, if he remembered, to come back for me when he found food.  Not even five minutes later did he come back with a smile so big it looked as if it might split his face in half.
   "I found a house made of candy!" he beamed proudly.
   "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?" I replied skeptically.
   "Yes!  Now come on!"  he screamed.
   I stumbled after him as fast as I could.  When we came to a clearing I saw every kid's dream.  It was a big beautiful gingerbread house.  The garden was filled with icing roses and marzipan daisies.  The door was made of one huge chocolate bar, and the windows were made out of boiled sugar.  The sight sent saliva flooding my mouth and it was all I could do to not drool.
   Without another thought I pounced on the house and started to shove the flowers down my throat with reckless abandon.  The icing roses were smeared all over my face, and the marzipan stained my dress.  I started to gnaw on the white chocolate fence when i noticed a little old woman staring at my piggish outburst.
   I smoothed out my stained dress, and wiped my face on a white handkerchief.  I motioned at Hansel to do the same, but he ignored me in favor of staring at the licorice laces on the woman's shoes.
   "We apologize for eating your garden and part of your house.  We didn't realize that someone lived here."  I said politely.
   "Poor dearies!  Don't worry! You look half starved! Come in, and have dinner with me." she cooed in an almost sickeningly sweet voice.
   I shuddered slightly.  Was it just me or did she emphasize dinner in a bizarre way?  Almost as if... No! I was being paranoid.  Hansel didn't seem to have any issues with the lady, but Hansel had never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.
   "Oh! How rude of me!  My name is Maria.  What are yours, pets?" she asked almost too innocently.
   "Umm... I'm Gretel, and this is my brother Hansel." I said awkwardly.
   "Oh! Please come in!" Maria smiled.
   Any suspicions flew right out of my head when I saw the feast on the table.  There was roast beef, a mountain of mashed potatoes swimming in gravy, and mounds of buttered corn and peas.  Delicate glass pitchers held lemonade, sparkling spring water, and juices of all kinds.  Mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate and giant marshmallows sat on coasters.  Melt in your mouth biscuits with slabs of butter steaming on a big blue plate.
   "Well, dig in!  I already ate!" Maria cooed.
   We did dig into all the food.  I attacked the mashed potatoes, while Hansel inhaled the roast beef.  Maria watched with a satisfied, almost smug, smile.
   Both of us suddenly felt very tired.  We had walked through the woods for three days, and that much food was bound to make us sleepy.
   "Dears, why don't you spend the night?" Maria asked, and my suspicions returned.  There was just something about her expression.
   "Sure!" Hansel bubbled.  Was he really that stupid?
   "Good! Just go upstairs and pick any room you want."
   We tromped upstairs, and chose our rooms.  Mine was a bloody red, with a huge closet.  I thought that Maria might have some pajamas somewhere.  I opened the closet and struggled not to scream.  Inside was a corpse of a boy about Hansel's age.  We were leaving now!
   I grabbed Hansel and forced him out of the house.  We ran straight back into the woods and back home to beg our stepmother to let us back.  I know you were expecting Hansel and I to defeat the witch, but we are just kids.  Whether you find that surprising doesn't matter to me.