Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chalky Nightmare

   It was only a few Saturdays ago when my cousins decided to visit randomly.  Only three of them actually came.  They were Harry, age ten, Al, age eight, and Ana, age two.  Ana needed to be watched because all the adults were out.
   There was no way I could watch all three cousins at the same time.  I let Harry wander off to do whatever the heck he wanted to do.  Al promised to stay in the family room and watch T.V.  Ana, on the other hand, had to watched constantly.
   Three hours later everything was calm, except for the fact I really had to use the bathroom.  I left Ana with Harry and Al.  When I came back one of the walls was scribbled on with chalk, while my two boy cousins were staring with glazed over eyes at the television.
   Let us just say I was really angry.  I got blamed for it, and Harry and Al were forbidden to come randomly visit me anymore by me.  They totally deserve it.  

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