Monday, October 10, 2011

The Games

  A few years ago, when I was around nine or ten years old, I had a sleepover.  I wanted my sleepover to be special though.  Everyone does sleepovers, and, being the creative child I was, I decided I'd have my own version of the Olympic Games, only more little girlish.
  The games I decided to include were the singing contest, dancing contest, skit contest, and a few other ones.  When my friends came I was really excited.  This was going to be a great birthday party.  We started with the singing contest, and let me tell you, Annie had the voice of a frog.  I felt bad about it, but the winner was Sandy.  Annie was upset, but she tried to hide it, and suggested we move on.
   The next game was the dancing contest.  Yet again Annie didn't win.  Annie danced with the grace of an elephant on roller skates.  I gave the prize to Cassy, who was an amazing dancer.  Annie scowled, but quickly covered it up with a huge fake smile.
   We all prepared our skits.  Annie delivered her lines with all the charm of a dead slug.  My friend, Lily performed with passion to rival Shakespeare.  I had to give the award to her.  But, Annie had had enough.  She snatched away the rest of the prizes and locked herself in the bathroom.  We were forced to call my mother, who called Annie's mother.  Needless to say, Annie wasn't really my friend anymore after that.

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