Monday, October 17, 2011

The Lost Book

  "Rebecca! Where is that library book?" my mother yelled.
  "I don't know!  I'll look for it!" I yelled back.
  The real problem was that I lose library books all the time.  I'm not usually so forgetful about things, but I can't seem to keep my hands on library books.  I think it's because I borrow around fifteen books every time I go to the library.  Now back to the actual story.
  I ran around my house in a state of blind panic.  Pillows were thrown off couches, tables were overturned, and papers were strewn around.  I was beyond listening to anyone, which might be why I didn't hear my mom saying the library had made a mistake.  I ran around looking for a while before I had actually registered what my mom had said.

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