Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What do You Like About Yourself?

  What I like about myself is that I can read extremely fast and that I'm good at it. I consider myself a pretty good person. I don't use violence to solve my problems and I try to encourage people as well as I can. I like that I haven't abandoned a friend yet and that I love writing. Another thing I like about myself is that I'm a dreamer. I can escape the humdrum of reality and dive into my mind, where there are haunted mansions, endless carnivals, dancing and singing ghost bands, people who can bring their drawings to life, ect. So, I think that me being a dreamer is probably what I like about myself the most.
  One other thing that just occured to me is that I like the way I don't like chocolate. I know it's kind of a shallow thing forme to like. But, if you think about it I've probably cut out one of the things that would make me fat.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Clothes Poetry

  I love my socks.
  I keep them in a special box.
  I wear a new pair everyday.
  They are stored away,
  In a very special box.

  I wear socks,
  With polka dots.
  Stripes and more.
  Socks galore!

  They hide undernaeth my shoe.
  Without my socks I couldn't make-do.
  They keep my feet warm,
  Even in a thunderstorm.

  I get a lot of socks for gifts.
  In the day it gives me a lift.
  Socks are everywhere.
  Even in a dragon's lair.

  So, I love socks,
  That's surely true.
  So now that you know why,
  How about you?


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If My Boat Started to Sink

  I'm in my little sailboat. It rocks gently under the robin-egg blue sky. The blue-green water glistened under the butter yellow sun. I'm fishing for the slippery trout. I reach into a bag and pull out a peanut-butter sandwich. I start to get drowsy; the boat acting like a cradle. My eyes slowly close.
  I wake up. I really shouldn't have been here so long. It's dangerous. Especially for someone who hasn't been swimming in ten years. Then I felt something wet. My heart beat faster and panic dug it's claws into my heart, refusing to loosen it's strangling grip. The boat was going to sink.
  I hurriedly scooped the water that was flowing into the sailboat with a dented bucket. But I knew I wouldn't be able to save my poor little sailboat, so I am forced to abandon it. Jumping out of the boat, I barely remember to grab a neon orange life jacket and slip it on.
    I am bobbing up in down, stranded in the middle of a lake where no one will find me. I quickly ascess the situation. I need to get to land which is about 2 miles away at least. The temperature is dropping rapidly as the sun descends. Being in danger of hypothermia, I can barely swallow my hysterical panic and anxiety. But I push all the negative thoughts from my head and start swimming.
  In four hours I finally get to shore, more dead than alive. But, I guess it's good that I'm not dead completely. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

When I Grow Up

  I believe that when I grow up the world will be at least slightly more advanced. I'm hoping that someone will have come up with the cure for cancer. Another thing that I hope will happen is that some absolutely amazing author will have created at least a library full of books.
  Unfortunately, I suppose that we will also be more advanced in beauty products and such. It's going to be creepy when fifty year olds look like they're in their twenties.  Really creepy. 
  I'm not really sure whether the world will be changed for the good or the bad. It will probably be a mix of both. We may find the cures for many diseases but that could potrentially make over population worse. So really we'll never know. until we get there.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ridiculous Purchases

  I can't recall any time that I bought a totally useless thing. I have always found it easier to acquire money rather than spending it. That's probably the reason why I end up with three hundred dollars or more in my wallet each year.
  Ever since I can remember I didn't buy much. It's not that I'm frugal. It's just that I have difficulties finding anything worth buying. I like to make sure that my purchases are something that I'll actually use. Really, what's the point in buying something if you're not going to use it?
  I don't understand why people shop impulsively. I mean what's so great about the shopping process. There are so many more interesting things to do.  For example, reading, writing, computering, creating a business, and daydreaming. There is more but I really don't feel like boring you with the endless list of things that are better than shopping. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Do You Want to be Remembered For?

  Everyone seems to want to be famous because they want to believe that their life is extra special compared to others. In other words they want to be remembered for something good. They want to make an impact. I'd like to think that I'm different. I don't care whether I'm remembered or not. All I want is to do what I love regardless of people noticing. I love writing and so that's what I'm going to do.
  I think it's really shallow of people to do something for money or so that they feel special. Your special enough as you are and I personally don't need people to remember me to be able to tell that. If you do I believe you should work on it. 
  Another thing that bugs me is that most people want to be celebrities. All those people watching you makes me shudder. Being remembered is definitly NOT worth that. Privacy is a necessity, in my book.

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

                  - Emily Dickinson

Monday, September 13, 2010

Limerick Worksheet

  There once was an old man from Timbucktu
  Who liked to drink until he turned blue,
  He spent all his money,
 And acted quite funny,
He drank so much his life was spent, too.

Cake Bomb

  Emily was coming home from the bakery. It was a stormy day and  rain threatened to spill. So she wanted to get home as soon as possible. She held a large cake with white frosting and candy roses. On it in icing was written "Happy Birthday!" 
  "It sure is cold!" she said to herself.
  A cold wind ruffled her clothes. She pulled her jacket tighter around her shoulders. She was suddenly aware of a strange ticking noise.
  "Tick, tick, tick, tick."
  "What is that?" she wondered. "I wonder if I'm just hearing things."
  But soon it became obvious that it wasn't in her head. The noise seemed to be coming from the cake. The word bomb subconciously flashed in her head. Just to be safe she set the cake gently on the ground and slowly backed away. Then...
 The cake blew skyhigh. Frosting rained down from the heavens and the red candy roses shattered against the pavement. Emily slumped to the ground.
  "NOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed. "The cake is ruined!"

Friday, September 10, 2010

From August 30, 2010

  The sun was shining and the birds were chirping loudly but, Cynthia Strawbort, the famous song writer, was depressed beyond belief. No one likes a writer's block.
  "Hey, Sarah I'm going for a bike ride." she called to her roommate.
  Cynthia changed into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and an orange t-shirt. Then she grabbed her special gold notebook and sea green pencil. Cynthia threw them into a bag and pedaled to her favorite park.
  She slowly sat down under a willow tree. The long willow branches blew in the wind hiding her from the rest of the world. Then suddenly she was inspired. She scribbled down a song as fast as she could ; afraid that she would lose the inspiration.

  Three Weeks Later
  "Miss Strawbort, the Commitee of Song Writer is pleased to announce that your new song will be sung by Taylor Swift."
  "Thank you. This is a huge honor."

From September 1, 2010

  Hi! Harriet Hendler here!  I'm the Ambassador for Earth. Did you know that Alien Ambassodors once visited Earth? I can't imagine why they haven't come back. Maybe if I tell you about it you'll have some ideas. So here we go.
  "Arrevederci, alien ambassoders. You have terrific tentacles." I said sweetly.
  "Hello humanoids. Thank you for welcoming us to your wonderful world." an alien said stiffly.
  The aliens came from Tesari. The tentacled Terasians tail gated me to the caffeteria. They took trays to the lunch ladies.
  "Ugh! Such stinky sandwiches are supplied." three Terasians threw up.
  "The bad burgers burn!" one said sizzling.
  "Goodbye. This planet pollutes people with freaky food." the aliens cried.
  They neglected to note that they took their food from the trash.

Journal September 10

  I have always been afraid of not having anymore books to read. The worst ways that could happen is if I was forced to burn each book one by one. Or maybe if I was forced to shred them. Some less violent ways that this could happen is that I read all the books in the world or people banned books from the public. But I think that I would rather have the violent ways because that would strangely make me feel better. I don't understand it either. Luckily none of these will ever happen. Right?
  The whole reason this frightens me is because I read so much. I spend most of my time reading, as everyone who knows me knows. So I have no idea what I'd do with the rest of my time. Any suggestions? I need to be prepared. Just in case.