Friday, September 17, 2010

Ridiculous Purchases

  I can't recall any time that I bought a totally useless thing. I have always found it easier to acquire money rather than spending it. That's probably the reason why I end up with three hundred dollars or more in my wallet each year.
  Ever since I can remember I didn't buy much. It's not that I'm frugal. It's just that I have difficulties finding anything worth buying. I like to make sure that my purchases are something that I'll actually use. Really, what's the point in buying something if you're not going to use it?
  I don't understand why people shop impulsively. I mean what's so great about the shopping process. There are so many more interesting things to do.  For example, reading, writing, computering, creating a business, and daydreaming. There is more but I really don't feel like boring you with the endless list of things that are better than shopping. 

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