Monday, September 13, 2010

Cake Bomb

  Emily was coming home from the bakery. It was a stormy day and  rain threatened to spill. So she wanted to get home as soon as possible. She held a large cake with white frosting and candy roses. On it in icing was written "Happy Birthday!" 
  "It sure is cold!" she said to herself.
  A cold wind ruffled her clothes. She pulled her jacket tighter around her shoulders. She was suddenly aware of a strange ticking noise.
  "Tick, tick, tick, tick."
  "What is that?" she wondered. "I wonder if I'm just hearing things."
  But soon it became obvious that it wasn't in her head. The noise seemed to be coming from the cake. The word bomb subconciously flashed in her head. Just to be safe she set the cake gently on the ground and slowly backed away. Then...
 The cake blew skyhigh. Frosting rained down from the heavens and the red candy roses shattered against the pavement. Emily slumped to the ground.
  "NOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed. "The cake is ruined!"

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