Friday, September 10, 2010

From September 1, 2010

  Hi! Harriet Hendler here!  I'm the Ambassador for Earth. Did you know that Alien Ambassodors once visited Earth? I can't imagine why they haven't come back. Maybe if I tell you about it you'll have some ideas. So here we go.
  "Arrevederci, alien ambassoders. You have terrific tentacles." I said sweetly.
  "Hello humanoids. Thank you for welcoming us to your wonderful world." an alien said stiffly.
  The aliens came from Tesari. The tentacled Terasians tail gated me to the caffeteria. They took trays to the lunch ladies.
  "Ugh! Such stinky sandwiches are supplied." three Terasians threw up.
  "The bad burgers burn!" one said sizzling.
  "Goodbye. This planet pollutes people with freaky food." the aliens cried.
  They neglected to note that they took their food from the trash.

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