Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Megan's Magic Market

  I walked into my favorite store, Megan's Magic Market. The bell jingled when I swung open the glass door.
  "Hi, Megan!" I greeted the young lady who ran the store.
  "Oh! If it isn't my favorite magic addict." Megan teased. "Looking for anything?"
  "Nothing specific. I'll call you if I find anything." I said amiably.
  She shrugged her purple clad shoulders and walked into the back room.
  I stood for a moment taking in the magic shop. The scent of heavy incense filled the air of the shop leaving me slightly dizzy. While the scent was good, it was extremely strong and I could taste a heavy bitterness on my tongue.
  Skulls (I had no idea whether they were real), candles, magic wands, cursed swords (Again, I don't know if they're real), cards, and magic manuals laid, some covered in a thick sheet of dust, on the shelves. A few white doves were locked in bird cages. Rabbits of all colors glared at me.
  Then, I saw it. The one thing I really, really wanted. I had always hoped for a rabbit of my own, but none really popped out at me. Megan always said that when getting a pet to help you with magic it chooses you.
  The rabbit that I saw and instantly wanted was coal black with mischievous red eyes. It stared at me, and I stared back.
  "Megan!!!" I called out.
  "Huh?!" I heard her say with an accompanying boom. "Ouch!"
  "Sorry!" I yelled. "Did you hit your head on that shelf again?"
  "Yeah, but I'm fine." she insisted while walking out of the back room.
  "Ummm....well, I found my rabbit." I beamed.
  "Really?" she squealed.
  "Yup! That one over there." I said, pointing to my bunny.
  Meagan stared at me incredulously.
  "It figures that you would get the cursed rabbit."she sighed.
  "Okay... how much is it?" I asked.
  "For you...thirty bucks." she said.
  I lifted the bunny and took him to my face. His fur was soft and he smelled like springtime. He was perfect.
  I quickly paid for him but refused the cage Megan was willing to throw in for free. Partners didn't keep each other in cages. It just wasn't done. Then, we left, the bell jingling when the glass door slammed shut with a quiet thud.      

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dog Magic

  I ran to my food bowl, my nails clacking on the tiled floor. I whined for my human to feed me. She came and spoke in her strange language.
  "Hungry?" she asked.
  "Hung gree?" I thought. "What does that mean?"
  My human pulled out a strange machine. Humans always complicate everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. It's ridiculous.
  "I hope you like your new doggy door. Then you won't whine when you have to go outside." my human chirped.
  "What the heck is she doing?" I thought.
  Taking the strange floppy machine, she attached it to the door.
  "Okay...go." she commanded.
  That was one word I had learned to recognize. Go. So, even though I was having a little spaz attack I walked into the machine... and I was suddenly outside! My human had made me a teleporter!
  Finally, I get something interesting from her! It was crazy and I spent hours using my teleporter. It was magic.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My New Flower

  Salutations! I am R.A. Davis. I am a flower designer. In case you don't understand it means I'm hired every once in awhile by God to make a new flower, and today I got my new assignment. He told me to create a flower that attracted the new bat he was creating.
  I had already drawn up the plans. The flower's petals would be shaped like bat wings, and would be an alternating pattern of black and glowing white. The stem would look delicate but be very difficult to yank out of the ground.
  Now, I will tell you the secret to how it attracts this new bat. You can't tell anyone...or else I will be forced to turn YOU into a flower (or maybe a weed). So, the secret is that the flower sends out signals to attract the bat. the signals appeal to their echolocation. Genius, don't you think? I do. But, don't tell anyone about it. The stupid humans may try to take a specimen.   

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Presidential Speech

  Note: Actually I already wrote a speech for minors...but I guess I'll write another one.

   I, Barak Obama, am here to inform the American people on the Zombie Apocolypse. We must remain brave, as only the American people can. Some of you may wonder who is at fault. But, no one is.
  This is a natural virus that wiped out humanity right after the Ice Age. For some reason it has surfaced again.  Please remain calm. One-third of the population of the world are now zombies.
  This is your President, saying not to panic and to carry a gun with you at all times. A gun or a bazooka., anyway. If it gets out of hand we will use our nuclear weapons. That is a promise.  

Monday, December 6, 2010


  "Soooo, you want to play Scrabble?" my partner, Richard Tigerheart asked.
  "Nah." I replied. "Unless you have the really old bored game version..."
  "Sorry. I own the electronic version."
  Hello, I'm Rebecca A. Davis. I'm an astronaut. The year is 2025, and the technology is amazing. At least, it would be if I liked all the stupid technology. I prefer the old fashioned way of doing things, like using an actual board to play Scrabble instead of a hologram.
 "Becca, we're about to land on the mystery planet. Prepare for turbulence." June said.
  I saw my super model of a companion. June had long carrot hair. Her body was tall and slender. She wore a slim, sleek, purple space suit.
  When I was younger, space suits were big, and bulky. Now, they are form fitting, and light. The helmet looks a little like a motorcycle helmet, only it's slimmer.
  "Come on! We've landed!" Richard yelled.
  I zipped up my silver suit, and cautiously stepped out of the spaceship. The planet was lush, with red, orange, and lime green vegetation. I heard the light sound of insects.
  "Ha ha ha! This place is so cool!" Richard laughed.
  "Beautiful. I could totally design a clothing line based on this place." the part-time fashion designer, Sara, breathed.
  "We're in a potentially hostile environment. Stop acting like we're on a vacation." I scolded.
  "No one takes this stuff serious but you. You need to relax. Look, there's a hotspring!" June squealed.
  "Hmph! That water could be acidic." I warned.
  "That's why we have our suits." Richard said carelessly.
 "Relax." Sara said.
 The rest of them jumped into the hotspring. I sat on a rock, guarding.
 "Awww! Becky! Come on in!" whined June.
 "Don't call me Becky." I grumbled.
 The crew laughed at my expense. They're idiots. I mumbled incoherant words under my breath and turned the other way.
  Suddenly, I heard a shriek from the hotspring, and spun around fast. Someone was missing. Sara...not here. Oh no.
  "What the heck happened!!!" I roared.
  "S-sara d-d-disapeared." a trembling June whimpered.
  "S-she d-didn't disapear!" Richard wailed. "A creature dragged her under the water!"
  "Then get out of the hotspring, you idiots!" I yelled. Man, why do they always make my team idiots? I think they're trying to kill me. Homebase doesn't like me. All I did was blow up a few...million labs.
  They tried to scramble out of the water, but then a creature rose up.
  It was strange. It had the teeth of a sabertooth tiger. It's claws were a demented, much more deadly, version of a cat's. But, the scariest thing were the eyes. They looked like human eyes. The eyes even held the spark of human intelligence. I could tell that it's spark of intelligence was much brighter than ours. We didn't stand a chance in confrontation.
  "Retreat! Fall back, you ignoramouses!" I screamed, my throat raw.
  My crew stood frozen, staring into the eyes of the beast. At first, I was under the impression that thay were simply terrified. In actuality, the monster had hypnotized them, and I realized this. What a pain! I would just leave them here...but my bosses would kill me. Oh well.
  I took out a tractor ray and shot it at my idiotic team. It trapped them and I dragged them along while running away from the beast, who apparently wasn't thrilled with the idea of it's prey getting away.
  "Sorry about stealing your prey! I'd leave them with you, but then my bosses might murder me!" I yelled back.
  "Oh, if that's the reason, I understand, " the monster said in an extremely sophisticated voice.
  Well...I wasn't exactly shocked. I knew it was intelligent. But why did it have to have such a snooty voice. It made me fell inferior. I probably was, but still, you shouldn't make people feel like that.
  "Thanks! Oh yeah! And what's the name of this planet?" I skidded to a stop, while I spoke.
  "Juniga. Now, get along, little human. You are almost as intelligent as me. How unfortunate you were born into such a stupid race." the creature sympathized.
  "Tell me about it." i complained. "Well, bye."
  I trotted away, practically glowing with pride. I also brought along the others, in case you actually care.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Atttitude Adjustment

  "Come on!!!" my mom yelled. "It's time to get your first allergy shots."
   I was actually pretty nervous. Then again, I was like five years old. I was still afraid of needles.
  "O-okay." I stammered.
  I walked to the car and we drove to the allergy shot place.
  "Rebecca Davis, we are ready for you." the receptionist said.
  I trudged in there. I chewed on my lips until they bled. The doctor swooped down with the gigantic needle and injected me.
 I almost screamed but then I realized it didn't hurt at all! I had gotten worked up over nothing. I had to take allergy shots for the next four and a half years. But, I haven't been afraid of needles since.




 I was so nervous. I was in the doctor's office, about to get my first allergy shot. My little five-year old hands trembled with anxiety.
  "Rebecca Davis, we are ready for you." the tall, red haired receptionist said loudly.
  "O-okay." I stammered.
  I was led into a gray room. I was put on a plum colored chair. I chewed on my lips untill they bled. The doct or smiled att me and took out a syringe. It had a wicked needle. My breathing became slightly more rapid.
  The doctor swooped down and jabbed it into the soft flesh of my upper arm. I almost cried out. But, then I realized that it hadn't hurt at all! So, now I'm not afraid of needles at all. And I'm free of allergies.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My New Fantastically Awesome World

  Deep inside the center of our world is another world. One that's undeniably hot and much smaller than ours. The people, in turn, are also smaller, or at least they were, before the Great Flood of Kuthamancara.
  It was a Glugg (our equivalent to Monday) morning. As always the citizens of the great city, Kikorono, were at the Freysoa, a place of great worship. They were worshiping the great god, Moe. According to them, Moe had a beautiful wife, Serenedenia.
  Seredenia had long hair that was as golden as the sun. Her gold eyes sparkled. She was tall.  Although, she did have one fault.  She had the desire to have a child. A boy, so that if her husband ever left her for another sky fairy she would be able to marry her son.
  So, the cause of the flood was the baby she wanted. After a hard labor, she birthed a girl, who instantly grew into a young woman, s sky fairies do. But, because this girl was half god, and half sky fairy, she was more beautiful than her mother. Seredenia, mad with jealousy, tried to name her Nog, but Moe refused the name, and named his daughter, Aliana.  
  Aliana had longish hair that was black as a raven's wing. Her deep viloet eyes were speckled with silver. Aliana was much more admired than her mother and the people of Kikorono worshipped her along with the Moe.
  Seredenia's hair lost it's golden glow, and her eyes lost their sparkle, as she delved deeper into her jealousy. She somehow got it into her head that her husband was planning to marry his own daughter. Seredenia came up with a plan.
  A week earlier Seredenia had heard that the Ice Age of the Upper World was ending. The ice was melting, so it would be simple to drown everyone. She drilled through the earth and made drains. On the end of the Jujuke Festival the whole, small world flooded. All perished, except for Moe, Seredenia, and Aliana.
  It was a well known fact that Aliana was in love with a mortal. His name had been Akuji.
  Aliana wept for the loss of her lover. She refused to sleep or eat. Her beauty seemed to fade as her will to live did. Aliana soon died.
  Moe was griefridden. He cast out his wife to the Upper World. Seredenia, was unaccustomed to the outside air and died, as well. Moe was alone and he couldn't bear it. The Great God faded away. And all tha was left of the  Inner World was gone.