Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the Merry-Go-Round

  Round and round you go,
  On the merry-go-round.
  The animals dance,
  Which one do you choose?
  The fierce tiger,
  The hopping bunny,
  The scary dinosaur?
  The horse, perhaps,
  With its flowing mane?

  Join the animals in their dance,
  A twirling, spinning prance.
  Round and round,
  On the merry-go-round,
  And spin all through the day.


Monday, March 28, 2011

The Door!

  I stood frozen to the spot, staring the Door. It  had in inviting yellow sign that said, "Caution~This door must be kept closed." The Door taunted me with the way it was forbidden. It called to me. I knew I had no choice but to open it.
  It isn't that I didn't try to keep myself from opening the Door. I had walked away twice, but I kept coming back. The Door must have had something special behing it, or so I thought.
  Then, my overactive imagination began to think about all the possibilities. Maybe it had a secret circus behind it. Or, it might have a treasure chest hidden behind it. Who really knew? So, that's why I had to open it.
  Unfortunately, when I opened the door I found the frozen head of T. J. Runner.  Needless to say, I got fired from my job when they found out I melted their bosses head.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Long Animation Ideas

  I actually have two different ideas for a long animation. I believe they are both decent. One of my ideas is to do a recreation of the sinking of the Titanic. I think the idea might be a little morbid, though. It would go from the docks when the ship left to when the people got rescued. I'm not completely sure if this is something I really want to do, but I decided to put it up anyway.
  My second idea is to do a Little Red Riding Hood spoof, where it goes basically the same as the original story until the end. In the end of it Little Red Riding Hood could beat up the Big Bad Wolf and throw him down a well.
  I'm not sure whether I like any of these, so I'm still thinking of some more. I might not end up wanting to use either of my ideas.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lucid Dreaming

  Loving the movie Inception was inevitable. So, it's no suprise the movie influenced my dream. My dream went mostly like this.
  My dreamself was playing Gutiar Hero in the middle of some random living room, somewhere. She was dancing arouund the room singing when she was pushed over by three older people who wanted to play. My dreamself fumed. Then, she realized that the whole thing was a dream. Dreamself just had to make the three older people disapear. She made the whole dream in her image.      
  My real self wants to lucid dream again, but it's difficult. Real self is still trying though. She isn't giving up.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

A True Curveball

  Sally's life had always been on a fairly straight forward. She had a mom, a dad, and a little brother. She got straight A's, did her chores, and played piano. Sally never really thought about how repetitive her life was. She was content.
   Then came the day when the family was riding in the car. A drunk driver's car slid into the next lane and knocked into their car. Sally screamed loudly. Her little brother cried out. The cars tumbled off the road, and layed there.
  Sally gasped in fright. Her parents weren't moving. She realized she and her little brother were on their own. They had just recieved the worst screwball of their lives.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Too Smart for Six

  "Mrs. Franks, I must inform you that your son, Lucas, has the intelligence of three college professors combined." Dr. Fitz said.
  "What?! He's only six!" Mrs. Franks exclaimed.
  Both of the adults looked at the six year old sitting calmly in an old leather chair. Lucas had dark brown hair, and blue eyes.  He stared back at them.
  "He's never acted like a genius." Mrs. Franks said.
  "Does he cry? Does he play with his toys?" Dr. Fitz asked.
  "Mother, don't you think we should be leaving?" Lucas suddenly spoke. "You know that it's time for my snack. I'd like some caviar."
  "Oh!" she said. "I guess he is a genius."
  "Mother! We need to go! Father will not be pleased if you are not home to prepare supper."
  "Coming Lucas!" Mrs. Franks said.
  "Try to get him to act like a kid. Acting so adult isn't good for him." the doctor called after her, as she walked away.
  "Okay!" Mrs. Franks said.
  "She's lying. She won't do it." Dr. Fitz said sadly. "Oh well."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Anorexic People

  When I was younger I learned what being anorexic was. My natural curiosity made me check on the internet to see what exactly it looked like. I was scared of anorexic people for a long time. It disturbed beyond your wild imagination. I was only like seven or eight.
  Then, one day on the street I saw an anorexic person. It was so much worse in real life. My fear continued for about a year.
  Now, I know that being anorexic is a medical/eating disorder, and I feel sorry for them. It makes me feel bad that I was scared of them just because they looked like a skeleton, only with skin. But, it was still scary when I was younger. You can't change that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Allie Thicket: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

  "Daddy! Where are you?" Allie yelled.
  "In the garage!" he yelled back.
  Allie was an average kid.  She had red hair and blue eyes.  She lived with her mom, her dad, and her dog, Georgia. Allie secretly loved her daddy more than anything. In fact, she loved him better than her mom.
  "Allie! It's bedtime." her mother said.
  "B-but I don't wanna go to bed yet." Allie begged.
  "Come on, dear, can't she stay up a little longer?" Dad asked.
  "No, tommorow she has school." Mom insisted.
  Allie pouted and stomped up to bed. She quickly slipped under the covers.
  Later that night, Allie was woken up by voices. Carefully, she snuck out of her room, and put her ear to her parents' door.
  "Eddie, we can't keep on spoiling Allie. It isn't fair to her!" Mom screeched.
  "Allie and I have so much fun. Clearly, you're just jealous." Dad blurted out.
  "Well, what if I am!? She loves you more than she loves me!" Mom cried.
  "You don't spend enough time with her!" he rebuttled.
  Allie clenched her fists.
  "Look, I'm taking Allie away from you. You aren't a suitable parent." Mom said.
  Allie ran back to her room and burst into tears. It wasn't fair. Why should they fight? Something had to be done!
  She scuttled downstairs to get a bottle of bleach. After tucking it under her bed she fell asleep.
  The next morning, Allie was downstairs trying to make breakfast for her parents. She made toast, and poured two cups half full of milk. Then, she poured bleach into the other half of each glass.
  Her parents came downstairs and were delighted with their breakfast.
  "This is delicious, sweetie." Mom said, gulping down her milk.
  "You're quite the cook." Dad agreed, after draining his cup.
  "Thank you." Allie sweetly said.
  Suddenly, both her parents began to cough violently. Their muscles twitched uncontrollably.
  "Wh-what is h-happening?" Mom croaked.
  "You guys shouldn't have argued. You punish me when I'm bad. You were bad this time." Allie twistedly smiled.
  "Wha?" Dad choked out. He would have said more but, then he died. Allie's mother followed shortly.
  Allie struggled to drag their bodies into their room, and laid them down on the bed. Allie then spoke.
  "Now you can't leave. We'll be together. Together forever."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsumani Attack!

  "Tsunami warning! It's insane! Tsunamis are popping up everywhere. All around the globe people are panicking!" I yelled into the camera.
  I really hated my job. Why couldn't I have wanted to be a pilot, an author, even a garbage woman? I just had to be a weathergirl. I was so stupid! No one else had to stand outside near a tsunami!
  "I repeat, tsunami warning in all the following countries: Hawaii, Japan, Madagascar, Greenland, and Australia. Evacuating procedures are starting immediately."
  Suddenly, my camera man, Jeff, screamed and started to run away.
  "A giant wave is behind me right? I hate my job," I asked myself, "Well, this is Molly Something signing off. Yeah...bye."
  A giant wave came down over me and the camera went black. Or at least I guess it did. I was busy trying to get rescued.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Battle of Silent Forest

  "General Sash, we are approaching the Silent Forest. Should we send ahead a scout?" Lieutenant Craine asked.
  "Sounds good. Send Green." I ordered.
  My troops and I were about to enter the Silent Forest. I had to prepare carefully because our spies had informed us on an ambush the Trinias had planned on us. We'd have to respond with an ambush on our own. The only problem was that unless we got the Silent Tree Nymphs on our side we wouldn't be able to communicate. An army that can't communicate is doomed.
  "Translator, where are you!" I yelled.
  I saw the gangly form of the translator who would (hopefully) get the Nymphs to resist using their magic silencing spell on us. I would have called the translator by her name, but I completely forgot his name. 
  "Please call me Tony!" the translator smiled.
  "Mr. Tony, did the Nymphs agree to assist us?" I asked.
  "Oh! Yes! They did!"
  Although I found his enthusiasm slightly sickening his news was good. I grinned wickedly. It was timee to move out. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Lost and Found

  Hello, I'm Professor Owl, the founder of the L.A.F.B.G. (Lost And Found Bird Group).  I am here today to give a lecture , but I hate lectures. So, I'm just going to tell you a story about how I came up with the idea.
  It was a friendly kind of day. The sun was shining without trying to roast our wings. I was in my study reading an ancient bird text, when the lovely, blue Miss. Quetzel burst into the room.
  "Oh! Professor Owl my egg is GONE! What shall I do?!" Miss. Quetzel cried.
  "Please, Miss. Quetzal, relax! Tell me what happened." I reasoned.
  "W-well, my little egg was stolen, by a-a human." she stuttered.
  I was shocked. Humans were relatively peaceful to eggs. Why would they start now? Well, I wasn't about to let it happen again!
  "Miss. Quetzel, would you like to join the L.A.F.B.G." I asked.
  "What's that?"
  "It's a organization that I just made up! It's for rescuing eggs in peril!" I trumpeted.
  "Oh! That is GENIUS!" Miss. Quetzel beamed.
  So, that's what we did. It wasn't hard. Many birds loved the idea! That's the story of my success. Wasn't it better than a boring lecture?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Idea of Lying

  The idea of lying was something that completely changed the fate of man. It irrevocably changed the world and all who lived in it. Suprisingly, it started with an important caveman, Gurgun, who ruled over a little group of cavemen.
  Gurgun was known far and wide for his great wisdom. If you came to him he knew the answer. But, one day he didn't.
  "Oh Great and Powerful Gurgun, my mother is greatly ill! How do I save her?!" a young child cried.
  Gurgun had no idea. He wasn't actually that smart. He usually just told people meaningless answers that made them feel good. They were vague enough to be true. This question was making it hard to be vague.
  Then hit him. He didn't have to be honest, did he? Gurgun was super proud of himself and looked at the child.
  "Child, do not fret! Your mother will survive if you kill a wooly mammoth for me." Gurgun said slyly.
  "Oh! B-but..of course, Your Greatness." the child whimpered.
  From then on Gurgun lied all the time, and he taught all his descendants. So, lying eventually spread to everyone.