Friday, March 4, 2011

The Lost and Found

  Hello, I'm Professor Owl, the founder of the L.A.F.B.G. (Lost And Found Bird Group).  I am here today to give a lecture , but I hate lectures. So, I'm just going to tell you a story about how I came up with the idea.
  It was a friendly kind of day. The sun was shining without trying to roast our wings. I was in my study reading an ancient bird text, when the lovely, blue Miss. Quetzel burst into the room.
  "Oh! Professor Owl my egg is GONE! What shall I do?!" Miss. Quetzel cried.
  "Please, Miss. Quetzal, relax! Tell me what happened." I reasoned.
  "W-well, my little egg was stolen, by a-a human." she stuttered.
  I was shocked. Humans were relatively peaceful to eggs. Why would they start now? Well, I wasn't about to let it happen again!
  "Miss. Quetzel, would you like to join the L.A.F.B.G." I asked.
  "What's that?"
  "It's a organization that I just made up! It's for rescuing eggs in peril!" I trumpeted.
  "Oh! That is GENIUS!" Miss. Quetzel beamed.
  So, that's what we did. It wasn't hard. Many birds loved the idea! That's the story of my success. Wasn't it better than a boring lecture?

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