Monday, March 14, 2011

Allie Thicket: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

  "Daddy! Where are you?" Allie yelled.
  "In the garage!" he yelled back.
  Allie was an average kid.  She had red hair and blue eyes.  She lived with her mom, her dad, and her dog, Georgia. Allie secretly loved her daddy more than anything. In fact, she loved him better than her mom.
  "Allie! It's bedtime." her mother said.
  "B-but I don't wanna go to bed yet." Allie begged.
  "Come on, dear, can't she stay up a little longer?" Dad asked.
  "No, tommorow she has school." Mom insisted.
  Allie pouted and stomped up to bed. She quickly slipped under the covers.
  Later that night, Allie was woken up by voices. Carefully, she snuck out of her room, and put her ear to her parents' door.
  "Eddie, we can't keep on spoiling Allie. It isn't fair to her!" Mom screeched.
  "Allie and I have so much fun. Clearly, you're just jealous." Dad blurted out.
  "Well, what if I am!? She loves you more than she loves me!" Mom cried.
  "You don't spend enough time with her!" he rebuttled.
  Allie clenched her fists.
  "Look, I'm taking Allie away from you. You aren't a suitable parent." Mom said.
  Allie ran back to her room and burst into tears. It wasn't fair. Why should they fight? Something had to be done!
  She scuttled downstairs to get a bottle of bleach. After tucking it under her bed she fell asleep.
  The next morning, Allie was downstairs trying to make breakfast for her parents. She made toast, and poured two cups half full of milk. Then, she poured bleach into the other half of each glass.
  Her parents came downstairs and were delighted with their breakfast.
  "This is delicious, sweetie." Mom said, gulping down her milk.
  "You're quite the cook." Dad agreed, after draining his cup.
  "Thank you." Allie sweetly said.
  Suddenly, both her parents began to cough violently. Their muscles twitched uncontrollably.
  "Wh-what is h-happening?" Mom croaked.
  "You guys shouldn't have argued. You punish me when I'm bad. You were bad this time." Allie twistedly smiled.
  "Wha?" Dad choked out. He would have said more but, then he died. Allie's mother followed shortly.
  Allie struggled to drag their bodies into their room, and laid them down on the bed. Allie then spoke.
  "Now you can't leave. We'll be together. Together forever."

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