Monday, March 7, 2011

The Battle of Silent Forest

  "General Sash, we are approaching the Silent Forest. Should we send ahead a scout?" Lieutenant Craine asked.
  "Sounds good. Send Green." I ordered.
  My troops and I were about to enter the Silent Forest. I had to prepare carefully because our spies had informed us on an ambush the Trinias had planned on us. We'd have to respond with an ambush on our own. The only problem was that unless we got the Silent Tree Nymphs on our side we wouldn't be able to communicate. An army that can't communicate is doomed.
  "Translator, where are you!" I yelled.
  I saw the gangly form of the translator who would (hopefully) get the Nymphs to resist using their magic silencing spell on us. I would have called the translator by her name, but I completely forgot his name. 
  "Please call me Tony!" the translator smiled.
  "Mr. Tony, did the Nymphs agree to assist us?" I asked.
  "Oh! Yes! They did!"
  Although I found his enthusiasm slightly sickening his news was good. I grinned wickedly. It was timee to move out. 

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