Friday, March 18, 2011

Too Smart for Six

  "Mrs. Franks, I must inform you that your son, Lucas, has the intelligence of three college professors combined." Dr. Fitz said.
  "What?! He's only six!" Mrs. Franks exclaimed.
  Both of the adults looked at the six year old sitting calmly in an old leather chair. Lucas had dark brown hair, and blue eyes.  He stared back at them.
  "He's never acted like a genius." Mrs. Franks said.
  "Does he cry? Does he play with his toys?" Dr. Fitz asked.
  "Mother, don't you think we should be leaving?" Lucas suddenly spoke. "You know that it's time for my snack. I'd like some caviar."
  "Oh!" she said. "I guess he is a genius."
  "Mother! We need to go! Father will not be pleased if you are not home to prepare supper."
  "Coming Lucas!" Mrs. Franks said.
  "Try to get him to act like a kid. Acting so adult isn't good for him." the doctor called after her, as she walked away.
  "Okay!" Mrs. Franks said.
  "She's lying. She won't do it." Dr. Fitz said sadly. "Oh well."

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