Monday, March 28, 2011

The Door!

  I stood frozen to the spot, staring the Door. It  had in inviting yellow sign that said, "Caution~This door must be kept closed." The Door taunted me with the way it was forbidden. It called to me. I knew I had no choice but to open it.
  It isn't that I didn't try to keep myself from opening the Door. I had walked away twice, but I kept coming back. The Door must have had something special behing it, or so I thought.
  Then, my overactive imagination began to think about all the possibilities. Maybe it had a secret circus behind it. Or, it might have a treasure chest hidden behind it. Who really knew? So, that's why I had to open it.
  Unfortunately, when I opened the door I found the frozen head of T. J. Runner.  Needless to say, I got fired from my job when they found out I melted their bosses head.

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