Friday, September 23, 2011

The Legend of the Wet Dad

   Once upon a time in a land very close to here, not so long ago I was visiting the abode of my mother's sister, who I called Aunt Denise.  She was a very shot and thin woman who loved to exercise, and for this reason she had gotten a pool installed in her backyard.
   On a holiday my whole family decided to go swimming at her home.  We were all wearing bathing suits except for my father, who had decided he wasn't in the mood to swim.  Since, my older brother decided that everyone had to go for a swim he snuck up behind my dad, and you can probably guess what happened.  He pushed my dad in, clothes and all.  My dad came up sputtering and choking on the water.  He turned red and came out of the pool shaking with anger... or was he laughing? Oh! He was laughing.  Well, honestly Matthew was just lucky he didn't decide to push him in too.

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