Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Vampire Spider

   In an underground laboratory in Africa a jumping spider was trapped in a clear container.  The spider was a female dubbed Anisa by a young scientist.  Anisa was craving human blood, as her species does.  A delicious mosquito that had just had a meal of blood would be appreciated.
   Dr. Livia Warden was in the next room donating some of her blood.  The blood would go to be fed to Anisa.  Livia loved Anisa more than any human she had ever met.  Anisa listened to her despite the fact she was only twenty-two.  So, the least she could do was provide a meal for the spider.
   Livia finished up taking her blood and walked into Anisa's room.
   "Anisa, darling!  You look beautiful today!" Dr. Warden cooed.
   Anisa looked up with her many eyes at the vibrations the doctor caused.  Oh, it's just that loud, ugly creature.  I think she has my food.  She tried to look as cute as a spider who drinks blood can.  Hey, it worked for monkeys.
   The doctor thought it was extremely cute, which is actually kind of creepy.  Livia then decided it was a good idea to take Anisa out of her cage.
   "Anisa, you adorable thing!  Come to Livia!"
   Anisa, being the spider she was, gracefully climbed onto Dr. Warden's arm.  She suddenly froze. The spider felt the pulse beneath the doctor's skin.  She smelled the scent of blood.  How delicious!
   "Anisa, you're such a goo-Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Livia broke off and screamed.
   Anisa bit into the flesh of the human.  Blood welled up in her mouth.  It was so delicious, with it's salty metallic taste.
   Dr. Warden's scream attracted another doctor who quickly yanked the spider off of Livia and squashed Anisa with his boot.
   "NOOOOOOOOOO!  How could you have killed her?! YOU MONSTER!" Livia shrieked.
   "B-but she was b-biting you." the other doctor stammered.
   "Idiot! Anisa, I love you!' she weeped.
    Up in spider heaven Anisa was looking down on the two doctors.  What is the ugly loud creature doing? Eh, it doesn't matter.  She was just a food supply.

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