Monday, September 19, 2011

The Stench of Cheese

    My sister and I were ridiculously excited.  Our Auntie Clementine was coming to our house for Dairy Day!  Dairy Day is a day that I celebrate everything milk related with my family.  We feast on delicious cheeses, yogurt, ice cream, milkshakes, and drink nothing but milk in all flavors.
   "HELLO, children! HOW are YOU?" called Auntie Clementine, in that strange way she yelled every other word, as she walked through the front door.
   "Awesome, Auntie!" Sanya, my sister called out.
   "And WHAT about MY most CHEESE loving NIECE, Claire?" she asked loudly. "COME give YOUR awesomely AMAZING aunt A hug!"
   "Yes, Auntie Clem." I said as I moved to give her a hug.
   As my arms wrapped around her rather large stomach I almost gagged.  A stench so foul seemed to be coming from my beloved aunt.  Why hadn't she washed before she came? She always washed once a year right before the Dairy Day celebration.
   "I have A surprise FOR you, CLAIRE!" Auntie Clem crowed.
   I unfortunately was place next to Auntie Clementine during the dairy feast.  I almost didn't enjoy the festivities. Then, at the end of the feast my aunt made an announcement.
   "FAMILY we ARE gathered HERE today TO enjoy THE dairy.  I have BROUGHT something AMAZING!  I HAVE brought DELICIOUS cheese FROM France TO share WITH you ALL!"
   So, that was the source of the awful stench.  It turns out that despite the terrible smell the cheese brought me great joy with its amazing taste.  Well, the only downside was that everyone had bad breath for a while.

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