Friday, September 9, 2011

The Swarm

   Have you ever been on vacation innocently shopping or something along those lines when a vicious swarm of tourists descend upon the street?  It's terrifying.  You try to make yourself as small as possible and hope that they won't notice you.  If they find you they either trample you, or they'll force you to take pictures of them with their cheap disposable cameras when all you want to do is strangle them with the film.
   That's happened to me more than once, and every time I think the same thing.  If they're spending all their time taking pictures when do they do anything fun.  I think if you spend all your time taking pictures you never actually experience anything.
   So, if you see a tourist run away as fast as you can. Seriously, do it!  If you know a tourist(and you're feeling daring) try to rescue them from the awful fate of joining the swarm.  

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