Wednesday, May 23, 2012


   SpaceX has successfully launched the rocket dubbed the Falcon 9, carrying a spacecraft called Dragon. It is the first commercial company to try to launch a spacecract to the International Space Station.  This is exciting for everyone, even if you aren't interestedi n space travel.  Imagine all the things that will come from commercial sapce travel.
   Space tourism would be an almost guaranteed success.  If people will pay to go to Italy or France, why wouldn't they pay to go into space, which has much more interesting things to see.  Many inventions we use today have been created for the sapce program originally, such as the smoke detector.  Imagine the new things that will be invented to improve commercial space travel.
   The benefits of this will be impressive.  Though it will be expensive at first, all new technology eventually lowers in price.  Soon, we'll all be able to take a vacation in space.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Hole

   There's something magical about a deep. dark hole.  It's in the way you can't make out the bottom, and you can't quite convince yourself that if you fall in you won't just fall forever, alone in the dark.  You wonder whether or not you might find yourself in Wonderland, just like Alice.  The moment you see it you just have to look closet.  Do you know what I mean?
   That's what I experienced when I saw the hole in the courtyard.  It was a sort of lopsided circle, with roots sticking out of the sides.  When I looked down, there was no way to see the bottom.  It was just a black pit in the ground.  I felt it was special, though.  A hole showing up out of nowhere naturally feels unusual, maybe even interesting.  I jumped.
   Air whistled in my ears as I plummeted.  It was exhilerating, but about four feet down, it stopped.  My face stung with gravel, and I blinked away tears of disapointment.  I guess it was just a hole after all.

Friday, May 18, 2012


   For 40,000 dollars I would defintely eat a bowl of live crickets.  People eats bugs all the time, and you don't see them getting sick or dying.  I'm pretty sure it's safe.  Not to mention the uses of the money.
   I could put in a college account, and basically use it all through college to pay off almost everything.  I could save it up for an emergency, because one will eventually happen.  Or I could use it to buy a car when I get my liscense.  That amount of money is worth eating a bowl of bugs.
   I'm sure that some people won't eat the crickets becasue it disgusts them.  It may be because they are so different from us that we're creeped out by them, but what about fish.  Some bugs are probably more like us than some fish are.
   It will be odd to eat something that's still alive, but I figure if I chew it well than it won't be a problem when I swallow them.  Maybe I'll read while I snack.  That will probably distract me from the slightly distasteful

Monday, May 14, 2012

Behind the Mask

   She seemed like such a sweet old lady.  Who would ever believe that elderly Mrs. Flint would be able to hurt a fly, let alone her own family?  I was Ms. Flint's neighbor from down the block.  She used to babysit me as a child, and my mother and she had been best friends.
   Mrs. Flint, despite her grandmotherly ways, seemed to have had horrible luck.  As a younger woman she married a poor, but amiable, man named William Flint.  I barely remember him, as I was only a small child then.  I do remember that he always had time to stop by to help my father with his latest project.  Mr. and Mrs. Flint had financial troubles, or so my mother said.  It made Mrs. Flint very anxious about making end meet.  It was when she became pregnant that her reign of terror started.
   There was honestly no way the couple could make ends meet with another mouth to feed, and Mr. Flint insisted they keep the child.  Mrs. Flint disagreed, and they started to argue constantly over the issue.  This is when an idea seemed to enter her mind.
   A few weeks later, Mr. Flint had become seriously ill.  He got headaches, started vomiting constantly, and got violent muscle cramps.  Within a few months, he had died.  Mrs. Flint wore mourning clothes for quite a while before she got out of her funk.
   The insurance money she got from the death of her husbands was fairly large, but she spent it far faster then she could handle on the baby, Ezekial Flint.  Multiple insurance policies taken out on her baby's life seemed suspicious, but no one really thought about more than once.  A woman who had lost her husband had the right to be overly cautious.   Especially when the child ended up dead in his crib a few months later.
   Time passed, and I grew up.  Mrs. Flint continued to be a friendly figure in my life.  She babysat my child, Darcie, and did it for free.  No matter who you were she always had a platte of cookies available for you.  Eventually, Mr. Flint and Ezekial didn't come up in conversations.  She became the neighborhood grandmother, and the insurance money she collected along with some smart investments had assured a comfortable lifestyle for herself.
   Then my husband heard about the deaths in the Flint family.  He hadn't actually been raised in the neighborhood, so he didn't really know about the whole event.  When he heard a few old ladies gossiping about it, he was instantly suspicious.  I denied the possiblilty of Mrs. Flint having done anything wrong, but then I thought about it a little more.  Mrs. Flint hadn't been overly sad about the deaths, had she?  There was no doubt she needed money at the time.  Would she have desperate enough to kill her family?
   Since my husband was a prominent local figure, he easily got the two bodies exhumed.  The results were devastating.  Both bodies had enough arsenic in them to kill a small horse.  It looked extremely likely that Mrs. Flint had murdered them.
   She was arrested on July 22, 2011.  The evidence condemned her to life in prison, even though she still swears she was innocent.  It's hard to believe that a woman like that could be a killer, but I guess you never know if the sweet smiles and kind gestures are lies.  You never know what's behind the mask.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Self Destruct Button

   When I think of buttons the first thing I think of is the self destruct button.  Even as a child that particular chilche made absolutely no sense to me.  In all these movies and books, the villian would be foiled by the hero or themselves pressing on the self destruct  button.  Why the heck would anyone put a self destruct button on a death laser (or any other weapon)?
   As a young child I asked people all time about that issue.  No one else ever seemed to think about the absolute stupidity of a self destruct button, and it irritated me.  Surely not all villians were that stupid, right?
   My opinion on the cliche button hasn't really changed at all over the years.  The only thing that has changed is that some of the time it's just for comic relief.  I don't think it's realistic at all, and villians should be defeated in a more original way.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Wind Farms

   Recently, there has been a study about wind farms.  Apparently, they may be able to change the temperature.  This could affect animals and plant life.  The question is where this is going.
   We don't actually know who did this study, so it concerns me.  How can we be sure it's from a credible source?  Without knowing who did this, it's hard to figure out whether or not it is true.
   If it is true, we should probably use more solar energy from now on.  We don't want to the extinction of more plants and animals.  Humans don't have the best track record with causing extinction.  It is important to make sure that solar power doesn't affect our environment just as much as wind farms.  Being more careful about how newer energy sources affect the world around us will help avoid these problems.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


   It is fantastic that we study our universe and other universes because of a lot of things.  There's knowledge for the sake of knowledge, of course.  You need to remember that eventually the sun will explode, and we'll all die, unless we know enough to get to a hospitable planet that we can live on.
   We all wonder whether or not we'll find life on other planets, and I think we will.  To think that we're the only ones is kind of arrogant.  With all the galaxies in all the universes in all the dimensions, how can there not be some ither life.
   The whole theory about alternate universes makes me think there has to be life in other places as well.  If there's another Earth, it's reasonable to assume that there is life on it.  There must be life.  Whether they look like us or something completely different remains to be seen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby's First Words

   My mom's first words were her favorite food, french fries.  It wasn't mama or dada or anything easy.  She said french fries.  While this was odd, her parents probably could have ignored it if she hadn't said it all the time.  When her mom asked her anything the answer would be french fries.  Sometimes this was really funny.  Even when she learned a few more words it was her primary word.
   One day my grandmother decided to ask my mom a few questions to get her to stop saying french fries all the time.
   "Dana, who am I?" she asked.
   "French fries!" my mom screamed.
   "Who am I?" she stressed.
   "French fries!"
   No matter what she said my mom wouldn't say anything else.  It was bizarre that such a difficult word would be her first, and none of us have any reason available to explain it.

Friday, April 20, 2012


   If I could choose to relive something, I think I'd probably like to start when I was three and then onward. I'd like to still know everything that I know now, because I'd be able to know what would happen, and I'd be able to fix the mistakes I made before they happened.  THere are ao many things that I could have done better if I had known what I know now.
   I think everyone wishes that they could relive their life, but it isn't going to happen.  There's no reset button in real life.  As the saying goes, "Life isn't getting all the good cards.  It's how you deal with the bad ones." I believe in that.
   It isn't only about the things I regret, though.  It's also about how useful it would be to know so many things while young.  I'd be considered a genius, and I'd get to learn so much more than I could only living once.  Knowledge is probably the most important reason to me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Business Paragraph

            My business is a costume store.  It is called Deceptive Disguises.  It will sell all kinds of costumes from Halloween costumes to costumes more suitable for a masquerade ball.  They would come in all sizes and shapes.  There would have to be an online version as well, but the actual store would be located in a busy shopping center or something along those lines.
            Deceptive Disguises also will offer custom made costumes for those who want to design something entirely new.  They’ll be done within a month or two, so be sure to order in advance to when you need it.  We will offer many different fabric selections, and color options.  The process will be simple, and we will have very capable employees.     


   Pride is something very dangerous.  It's difficult to think that being proud of yourself could be wrong, and we all have something we're proud of.  The thing is pride can easily become a negative thing if you have too much of it.
   Being prideful can cause you to refuse help in all forms even when you really need it.  Over-inflated pride leaves you believing you're far more important than you actually are.  It's a hazardous thing, as it can easily lead to conflict.
   A proud person may not feel able to admit that they're wrong, even if they know they are.  Arguments can turn wildly out of control, and you could easily lose a good relationship becasue of pride.
   Pride leads to other unfortunate things.  It leads to jealousy, arrogance, stubborness, and lies.  When people say pride is the root of all evil they aren't too far off.  It's not that hard to see why humility is a good quality in a person.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

It's a Bad World (Parody of It's a Small World)

It's a world of slaughter, a world of tears.
It's a world of death, it's a world of fears.
It is just so rare,
To see people who care.
It's a bad world after all.

It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad, bad world.

There is just one moon, and one golden sun,
The apocalpyse will kill everyone.
And we'll all be fried,
And death shall ride,
It's a bad bad world.

It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad, bad world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chimpanzee Babysitting

   "Please!" my friend yelled over the phone.
   "No! I'm not watching you're chimpanzee! Ask Megan!"  I yelled back.
   "B-but R, I need your help!" she stuttered miserably.  "I need to go to my grandma's funeral."
   I felt myself weakening in resolve.  How could I leave my friend in a predicacment like this?  Why couldn't Magan watch the chimpanzee?  I had no idea what i was supposed to do.
   "Why can't Megan do it?" I said more softly.
   "She's in France, remember?"
   "Fine, I'll watch your stupid monkey."  I sighed.
   "His name is Prince Philip Montgomery the Third!" she sniffed.
   Right.  I decided to just call him Phil, as I so didn't want to do that.  The whole idea of such a long name was stupid, although I wouldn't tell her that.
   This began the worst day of my life.  Phil was a monster!  He wouldn't listen to my instructions at all.  He refused to eat anything, and, despite the fact he was house broken, he went all over the house.  I was at a loss.
  "Phil! Get down now!" I shrieked.  "Get down!"
   Phil didn't even seem to register the fact that I was yelling at him.  Was he deaf?  Then I realized something.  My friend would never give her monkey a nickname.
   "Prince Philip Montgomery the Third!  Get down and go to sleep now!"  I yelled.
   The chimpanzee instantly fell off the chandelier and fell asleep.  I sighed in relief, and I was too tired to do anything but follow his example.  I'm never watching a chimpanzee ever again.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Favorite Movies

   If I'm honest I really can't choose a favorite movie.  There's far too amny great movies out there, and some of them can't be compared because they don't come close to sharing the same genre.  There are three movies that I know would make it into my top three.  They are The Dark Knight, Inception, and Pitch Black.  I'm just going to go into Pitch Black.
   Pitch Black is a movie about a group of space travelers that crash on a planet called Hades.  It has three suns, and it is always day because of that.  Every twenty-two years a complete eclipse happen and the planet is in complete darkness.  Unfortunately, this eclipse is about to happen, and the planet houses bloodthirsty creatures that can't go above ground except when it's dark.  The survivors, including children, a mercenary, a holy man, a dangerous convict, a couple, and a fake captain, have to band together to get off of this hostile planet.
   It's a fantastic movie even if the effects in the beginning look a little dated.  It's filled with action, suspense, and violence.  The characters are interesting, especially the convict.  It leaves you wanting to know more about their back stories.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time Out

   The clock ticked quietly in the stillness of the room.  Erika sat sadly on her bed, waiting for her punishment to be over.  The sounds of Erika's brother laughing outside filled her with fury.  It was his fault she was stuk in time out!
   Earlier that day Erika had been drawing a picture of her little brother playing with his blocks.  He looked so cute. so she really couldn't help but want to capture the moment.  So, she went to get a blue crayon that seemed to have disapeared.  When she got back she was almost instantly yelled at by her mom.
   Ethan, her little brother, had stolen one of the craons and scribbled all over the wall.  Despite the fact that Erika hadn't even been in the room, she was blamed because her hands had been covered in colored wax.  No one ever listened to her when she spoke, and it was so irritating!
   "Erika, you're punishment is over!" her mother yelled from the kitchen.
   Erika swore she wouldn't forgive her family for wrongly accusing her ever!  She wouldb become a judge,  so that no ne would ever be wrongly accused again.  It was a perfect career for her, she just knew it.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What I Can Do Now

   Last year there was a lot that I couldn't do.  I couldn't say that I was taller than anyone in my family except for my cousin, but she's only 4'10.  There was no way I could reach the top of the tallest bookshelf at the library, and I had no chance at winning an argument with my parents.  Fortunately, I can now do all of these things.
   I'll admit to the fact that last year I couldn't do much, and I knew it then as well.  It irritated me that no one would bother listening to my thoughts about certain issues.  If I explained why I couldn't do something I was told to stop talking back.  If I wanted to speak my opinions about an "adult" topic, such as politics or world problems,  I was told to go play, and that I wasn't old enough to talk about these things.
   This year, adults seem to see me more as an equal, and less as an inferior being.  Despite that fat that my opinion and reasoning has basically remained the same,  adults listen more.  I do appreciate people actually considering my opinions, but it irritates me that my age had gotten in the way of that before.  I hadn't changed other than my age, so I don't get what makes this year so different.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hotel of Horror

   It was our annual trip to Myrtle Beach.  It was also the first time my younger brother had joined us for the long trip.  In a moment of brilliance my parents decided they'd stop three-quarters of the way way there, spend the night, and continuue drving in the morning.  That way we wouldn't have to deal with a cranky infant.
   The plan was pretty well thought out.  The only issue was how absolutely awful the hotel was.  The beds were uncomfortable and stained with God knows what.  The pool was green with a layer of insects floating on top.  I was very concerned that there were cockroaches crawling around.
   "I'm not sleeping in that...that thing!" Matt, my older brother, whined.
   "He does have a point..." I shifted nervously, avoiding the large rust colored stain on the floor.
   "Well, what do you want us to do about it?" my dad said crankily.
   Obviously, he couldn't really do anything about it.  As we all settled into the crusty bed,  I prayed that I wouldn't end up in a hotel like this ever again.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


   "An invisibility potion? You can't expect me to believe that."  I said skeptically.
   "Don't be such a downer.  Just let me take it.  What can it hurt?"  Mina said, irritated at my realistic outlook.
   "Who knows what's in it?  Are you going to take the risk of it being something like slug intestines?" I asked slyly.
   Mina's face grew pale with disgust.  She almost instantly gave the liquid to me, and ran away in her haste to get away from the possible slug guts.  Such a scaredy-cat.
   I grinned at my own cleverness.  I now had a real invisibility potion.  Despite the fact it would only last one day, I knew it was worth tricking my friend.  Some opportunities are too important to let it pass by.  Even if it resulted in betraying a friend.
   I had so many plans.  I went to the president's office, and undermined his plan to cancel summer vacation.  He wasn't thrilled, but I was never caught.  I just know that Mina would be greatful if she knew. All she planned to do was peek on her boyfriend.  My plan was so much more productive.

Monday, March 5, 2012


   Her laughter broke the silence of the library.  A wrinkled librarian scowled at her, grumpily making a shhh-ing gesture.  The formerly laughing girl solemnly nodded back.
   This girl's name was Tally Greyel, and she was only four years-old, despite the fact that she was curled up with a book of Edgar Allen Poe's short stories.  One could call her the mascot of the library.  All the librarians knew who she was.  All the people who regularly visited called her "the little genius girl."
   Tally's mother was a shrewish woman that didn't allow her daughter to do anything but read.  Because of this, the girl taught herself to read by the time she was one year-old.  If her mother wasn't so disagreeable this never would have happened.
   I was a librarian that genuinely cared for Tally, and I'd like to think that I was almost like a substitute mother.  
   "Tally, aren't you going home?  Your mother will be wondering where you are?"  I asked her one day.
   "But Ms. Macyll I don't want to go home.  My mommy doesn't remember to feed me like you do."  Tally pouted.
   I saw red.  How dare that horrible shrew forget about her own child!  It was disgusting!  
  "Tally, I think we should go to the police right now." I said.
   "If we go there you won't have to live with your mommy.  You'll get food."  I smiled tightly.
   "O-okay!" she beamed up at me.
   Even if I hated her mother, Tally was probbly the sweetest girl I had ever met, and I wasn't going to let anyone change that.       

Monday, February 27, 2012

If An Alien Visited My House

   The truth is an alien did visit my house...or more correctly my host's house, as I am the alien.  This may be slightly confusing to you, but believe me when I say it isn't that tough to understand.
   This all occured on a normal day, when my host was young and vulnerable to a parasitical lifeform.  I, a humble creature from Jupiter, was in need of a body to inhabit, as all creatures that live on Jupiter are made out of gas just like the planet.  Earth was different, so I was in need of a host.
   My host was only 48 Earth moons old, and female.  She was rather ugly, with her nongaseous form, and too loud voice.  This seemed to be a characteristics of most of the fleshy two-leg young.  Beggers can't be choosers, so the Earth beings say.  I entered through the ears, and it was uncomfortable to be weighed down by a body.
   It has been a long time since I entered my host.  She is elatively accomadating, and to repay her, I make things like math easier for her to learn.  She's not a bad girl.  It's just too bad my host was born as an Earthling instead of a memeber of the far more superior race of Jupiterites.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


   John Glenn, astronaut stared out the window of his spacecraft.  The Earth was like a big blue marble with whisps of white clouds on the surface.  It was a breathtaking.  It was more lovely than anything he had ever seen.
   The Earth's beauty was put to shame by the millions of stars littering the black void.  They twinkled like lights on a Christmas tree, and it was hard to believe that they were like the sun.  He was so glad he had been chosen for this project.
   Unfortunately the atmosphere only lasted so long.  John licked his lips nervously, suddenly thinking about all the things that cold go wrong.  What if it ran out of fuel?  What if he crashed?  Would he ever see his family again?
   Glancing back out the window, John realized something that he hadn't before.  No matter how much he loved space, home would always be home.  It didn't matter that space was beautiful.  The Earth was beautiful too, jsut in a different way.  He settled back into his seat to wait for the journey to be over.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Animal In Me

   "Owlet, what are you doing?" my cellmate, Goose, asked.
   "Eh? What do you think I'm doing? It isn't like there's anything here to do." I snapped.
   I did feel a little guilty about snapping at Goose, but what did he expect?  I'm an experiment that combined the DNA of an owl with a human.  I had a right to be grumpy.  Not to mention the fact my appointment with Dr. Freidrick was coming up.
   "Owlet, do you think Dr. Freidrick is going to ever let me go?" Goose asked hopefully.
   I shook my head at his naivety.  He had only been at the labs for a week, so it was no surprise he didn't realize that he wasn't ever being let out.  It had taken me three weeks to finally get over my delusions of freedom.  It may have been because by that time I was already infused with owl DNA.
   "Experiment 13, Dr. Freidrick wants you." some muscular guard's voice broke through my thoughts.
   "Yes, sir." I said, barely restraining my almost permanent tone of sarcasm.
   He 'escorted' me to a large white room where the rather intimidating Dr. Freidrick.  He was a hawk-like man with a hooked nose, blue-tinted skin, and black eyes that were cold an hole-like.  His voice was a smooth, low baritone with a light English accent.
   "Greetings, Owlet.  I'm looking forward to this session." he almost purred.
   "How...nice for you." I bit out.
   Dr. Freidrick smiled tightly at me.  I smirked back.  It was always such a pleasure to annoy the good doctor.
   "Owlet, shall we begin?"
   "Sure." I sighed.
   He grinned at me, and began his stupid tests.  He tested my eyesight, hearing, teeth, etc.  It was highly umcomfortable, and I hated every moment of it.  Then the worst thing happened.  He decided to check my wings.
   One of the results of the experiment ended up giving me giant owl wings.  Thet were the best thing I got out of the whole mess, and I didn't ever want to give them up.  They were beautiful, and I loved every chance I had to fly.
   I slowly unfurled my wings, and I heard the doctor gasp.  I was almost flattered that such a cold man appreciated my wings.  Almost.
   "Amazing..." he breathed in awe.
   Dr. Freidrick inspected the wings carefully, checking for any flaws.  He found none, which pleased my pride.  It was obvious he hadn't realized how stunning my wings were.
   "They seem healthy.  You are dismissed." he siad curtly.
   The guard took me back to my cell, and I was filled with the despair that always came after a trip to the white room.  What was the use in having wings, if you weren't free enough to fly?  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Loving Others

   The year is 3026 and things have greatly developed in some ways, not all of them good.  Beauty seems to be a huge deal, or at least it would if everyone didn't look exactly the same.  Allow me to explain.  All males are 6 ft. tall and 150 pounds, and all females are 5'5 and weigh 120 pounds.  There are no more blue, green, or hazel, eyes.  All eyes are either brown or black.
   My largest issue about the world is that all humans are preprogrammed at birth to love everyone as they love themselves.  Unfortunately, they didn't take into account about how much certain people hate themselves.  I feel rather indifferent to myself most of the time, so now I feel indifferent towards everyone.
   My cousin, who has severe self esteem issues, has been locked up because of the programming.  He hates himself, and, in turn, hates everyone else.  It's awful (or it would be if I wasn't indifferent towards everyone) because before he developed his self esteem issues he was one of my best friends.  Now, he can't stand the sight of me.
   I wonder how the world would have ended up without everyone loving everyone as they love themselves.  It certainly couldn't be much worse than this.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Human Mating

   Annie is my best friend, despite the fact that she's a human.  Most of the time she's a lot of fun, but sometimes I just don't get her.  A lot of the time what she does just seems so ridiculously odd.
   One time, when she was preparing to take me for a walk her mate, Christo, burst into the room.  He greeted her with some sort of wrestling hold, even though it's much more polite to simply sniff the rear.          Annie completely ignored me (imagine ignoring me!), and started to make large, moony eyes at Christo, who made them back.  Completely odd.  The human mating ritual seems so unnecessarily long and complicated.
   Christo patted my head, and dragged Annie out the door.  It's very rude not to honor former appointments, but I guess I can understand the importance of doing the mating ritual properly.  I hope she had fun.


Unusual Punishment

   I stood before Judge Wilson, as her dark probing eyes examined my immaculately groomed hair, teeth, and suit.  I had committed a crime of an unusual nature, so it was only fair that I get to have an equally unusual punishment.  At least, that's what I thought.
   "Miss. Davidson, you are hereby found guilty of breaking into people's houses and stealing their computer mice.  You are sentenced to working at Apple, making computer mice for a year."  Judge Wilson cried out.
   I grinned evilly.  This was wonderful!  I could steal as many mice as I wanted now, and who would know?  Why, no one would know.
   "Yes, sir!  I promise to be a good citizen, just like Mommy Wilson wants."  I smirked.
   The judge ground her teeth, but allowed me to leave.  Whistling, I gazed out at all the people walking around.  Each one probably had a computer with a mouse I could steal.  I was fairly giddy with anticipation.
   A man in a black suit and shiny dress shoes walked up to me.  He wore a name tag proudly declaring his name as Harold (hahaha.)  Harold walked with an obvious swagger, and his nose was in the air.
   "Miss. Davidson, I presume." he sniffed imperiously.
   "You really shouldn't presume.  Who knows what you'll be wrong about?" I beamed.
   "Are you Miss. Davidson or not?" he asked.
   "Yeah, that would be me.  I am the beautiful, talented Rachel Davidson, thief of computer mice." I said proudly.
   Harold (hahaha) rolled his eyes, and I was forced into a shiny black limo.  We drove away to the company.
   In a few months I was the boss of the company, and I had access to as many computer mice as I wanted.  It was a dream come true.  The company even ignored my past criminal record.

Friday, January 27, 2012


   Sweat was pouring into my eyes, stinging them.  I blinked in the scorching sun, and the air looked blurry.  
I was standing on third base, waiting for Carol to hit the baseball.  I needed one good hit to get to home base.
   Tom stretched back and pitched the baseball at Carol.  She shifted in place, and swung.  Strike!  The next ball flew towards her, and she swung.  Strike!  The last ball curved slowly to Carol, but she missed...again. Strike!  
   I fumed furiously.  How dare Carol miss all three balls!  She had stopped me from making a fantastic triumph.  The whole team glared at her angrily.  I could tell that everyone was thinking exactly like I was.  I felt a small amount of pity towards her, but not nearly enough to actually comfort her.   It was her own fault.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Biggest Fan

   I'd have to say that my biggest fan is probably my little brother.  He seems to think that I can do non wrong, and he has a habit of copying what I do.  You may think that many younger siblings do that, but he takes it to a whole new level.
   For example, one day he stole some of my clothes.  I suppose he felt that to be like me he had to dress like me.  It was an odd, but hilarious thing to see my little (at the time) three year old brother drown in my clothes.  He didn't look like me, if you are wondering.
   It's kind of awkward to have a fan.  I could probably get him to what ever I want, which is creepy.  I'm not such a big fan of having power over my little brother.  He should develop his own unique personality, not one based off my ridiculously morbid and flawed one.  My brother has the potential to be better.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Odd Illness

   It was one of those days when all should be happy, but believe me when I say I wasn't.  The sun was shining into my eyes, increasing the pain of my headache.  The birds' usually pleasant chirping was about to drive me insane.  I felt like I was about to die from my illness, but that wasn't the worst thing.
   Whenever I felt like I was about to sneeze, terrible Britney Spears music played out of my mouth.  I really despise the music of Britney Spears.  Her voice is a sickly bubblegum sweet that makes you gag.  My mother, despite the fact she understood I was ill, sent me to school.
   Everyone was staring at me as Oops! I Did It Again played through the classroom.  Oh God, it was so embarrassed!  No one would go near me, and the teacher threw me out of the classroom for distracting the class.  It wasn't my fault!
   When I went home my mother gave me medicine that stopped the music.  Couldn't she have given it to me before I was forced to go to school?  

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Name

   My middle name is Anne, which means grace.  I haven no grace at all, but I know why I was named that.   It is a tradition in my family that the eldest daughter from each household should have the middle name Anne.
   It all started out when my great grandmother was named Anne.  She named my grandmother Marlene An Strigelli. My grandmother married my grandfather, Zenek Cybak.  They had three daughters.  The eldest daughter, Dana Ann Cybak, is my mother, although she isn't a Cybak anymore.  
   When my mother had me, after she had my brother, it was obvious my middle name had to be Anne (spelled with an E like the original).  My aunt had two daughters.  The youngest died, but the eldest still had the middle name Ann.
   That is the rather complicated story of why my middle name is Anne.  Unfortunately, I'll also be obligated to give my eldest daughter the middle name Anne.  I'm not actually a fan of the name, so it's a bit irritating.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Multiple Personality Disorder

   I have been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Because of this I have another personality, Helen.  Obviously I have never met this personality, as only one of us can be in control at one time, but I do have dreams where I think I meet her.
     Helen looks just like me because we share the same body, but her personality is completely different.  She has a love of pink (ugh!), frilly dresses (ew!), and hates bats (gasp!).  If she had her own body I'm sure we would have never felt anything but irritation for each other.
   All of my friends have had to get used to me suddenly being replaced by her.  I'm pretty sure some of them actually prefer Helen.  I can't see why they would.  She's just too...flamboyant.  I've always been more of a quiet, antisocial creature, while Helen loves the limelight.
   I suppose we've both learned to live with each other, mostly because we have no other choice.  It's just something normal now.  So, we're both fairly happy.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Out of the Rut

   Ms. Sniper was a secretary at some non-descript law-firmlike all the others across America.  Her boss was the famous Mr. Richard Wilson, a billionaire.  Each day was basically the same.  She woke up at 5:27, ate approximately 200 cheerios with skim milk, dressed in a bland suit, brushed her teeth, and left her flat. 
   At work Ms. Sniper sat in a blue swivel chair, turned to her computer, and typed up Mr.  Wilson's schedule.  She then proceeded to answer the phone, arrange appointments, and force herself to smile at visitors.  At 4:00 p.m. Sniper left the building and took the subway home.
   This was when something went wrong.  Usually, she would simply eat food, read, and then go to sleep, but this time when she arrived home she realized something.  Her life was boring!  Unremarkable!  Absolutely disappointing!  It had to change.
   Sniper went to bed early, and in the morning she ate Froot Loops,  dressed in a pretty yellow sundress, and even sprayed a little perfume on herself.  She felt better already!
   When she arrived at work, she smiled sunnily at Megan, an intern.
   "Good morning, Megan!  How are you on this beautiful morning?" she almost sang out.
   "Oh!  Good morning, Ms. Sniper." Megan squeaked, utterly surprised at this new development.  She wondered how such a dull woman had become so happy.
   "Please, call me Lily." And with that, Ms. Sniper-no!-Lily pranced to her desk.
   Lily hummed a sunny tune, and started on her work.  Every visitor who came thought to themselves. How lovely their secretary is!  This must be a great establishment.  Lily was oblivious to this, as she was absolutely absorbed in her work.  Then, Mr. Wilson came out of his office.
   "Ms. Sniper, I need you to fax this to Mrs. Blake, my lawyer." he grumbled, without looking up.
   "Yes, sir.  Do you need anything else?" she said, joy filling her voice.
   Mr. Wilson was rather surprised by this tone from his usually boring, if reliable, secretary.  Who he saw was not who he was looking for.  This woman resembled his dull little secretary as much as a swan resembled a mouse.  
   This woman had short, dark hair,  a pretty dress, and a sunny disposition.
   "Ms. Sniper, is that you?" he gasped.
   "Yes, but please call me Lily." she smiled.
   "I see.  Lily, would you care to go eat lunch with me?" Mr. Wilson asked. "And please call me Richard."
   "O-oh! Sure, I'd love to."  she beamed.
   So, they did.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Vacation to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

   I am planning to vacation in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.  It's a beautiful place, filled with mouth watering candies, cakes, and other sweet things.  I could camp out in the room in which everything is edible.  The Oompa Loompas would perform for me, and serve my every whim.
   Willy Wonka, himself, would teach me the secrets of candy making, provided that I wouldn't share them with anyone.  Charlie would play games and chat with me.  I'd eat dinner with the Buckets and Wonka.  I'd drink the soda that make you fly, have an everlasting gobstopper, and help Willy finally fix his one- meal gum.
   Maybe I'd visit Augustus to give him an all expense paid membership to Weight Watchers.  Good idea, right?  Violet could have some "help" dealing with her gum addiction.  I'm sure she'd do fine in rehab.  Veruca gets nothing but a slap across the face, and Mike will be receiving nothing.  Instead I will be destroying his television.  All in all, a very satisfying vacation plan.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Diary of a Germ

Dear Diary,
           My name is Influenza Virus.  You can call me Flu.  Today is the day I finally split off from my parent to go see the world of my host, Luca.  Luca is around eight years old.  Gee, she's ancient!

 Dear Diary,
          I met another virus today when I was relaxing in the stomach acids.  Its name is Swine.  I think we will get along quite well.  Perhaps one day people will remember us as one being.  Wouldn't it be funny to be called Swine Flu?
         Anyway, it seems that Luca is becoming ill.  Perhaps I should go have fun by getting her sicker with Swine.  We're both pretty bored.  Oh well, it doesn't matter.  Luca seems to be dying.  I guess I'll have find another host.  I'll leave you here in Luca, Diary.  I can always start a new one.  Bye.