Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Bully

   "Ms. Daniv, your twelve o'clock is here." my secretary, Dana, announced.
   "Thank you, Dana."  I replied. "Send him in."
   In walked a tall, thin man with a scruffy goat beard.  He seemed vaguely familiar, but from where I had no idea.  I decided it didn't matter, and to commence the interview.
   "Hello, Mr. Drew.  You are here for a job interview, yes?"
   "Y-yes. " he stuttered.
   "What are your qualifications?" I asked, already doubting his ability.
   "I was an accountant before I came here."
   Soon, I couldn't ignore the overwhelming sense of knowing the guy.  I just had to ask.  Becoming a successful business owner hadn't diminished my curiosity.
   "Mr. Drew, do I know you from somewhere?" I asked.
   "Yes, I know you, Lei.  I'm Brent Drew.  You know, from middle school." he said meekly.
   What!?  I couldn't believe this rather pathetic, weak-willed man was the one who had tortured me throughout my middle school year.  He seemed so much...smaller in a way.  How had so much changed?
   "Okay.  Let us continue."  I said nonchalantly.  It didn't matter that much.
   "H-huh? Aren't you going to throw me out?" Brent whispered.
   "Honestly, I haven't though about you in years.  You're an insignificant part of my past.  What you did doesn't affect me." I answered truthfully.
   I got the impression that he was slightly offended as he got quieter as the interview proceeded.  I didn't end up hiring him.  He was just so spineless.  How could I let someone like that work in my company?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Favorite Book as a Kid

   When I was younger my favorite book was probably The Lorax.  The Lorax was my favorite book because it had fun illustrations, a meaningful story (to me), and the characters made me laugh.  It made me feel sad that the Lorax had to kick himself out of his home that the Seller killed.
   I remember that I brought it into my kindergarten class, and my teacher asked me to read it to the class.  I felt so ridiculously proud that I was a good enough reader to read to my classmates.  After reading the book I fairly glowed.
   The book still holds a special place in my heart, even now.  It was such a large part of my kindergarten year.  It made me feel I, a puny little 6-year old at the time, like I could change the world.  It also inspired me to love reading, and want to be an author, which I still do to this day.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Strudel the Talking Dog

   My children had always wanted a pet, so I finally gave in.  His name was Strudel, and he was a purebred Golden Retriever puppy with big clumsy feet, floppy ears, and golden butter yellow fur.  Strudel was almost the perfect dog.  He never misbehaved.  He never bit or chewed on the furniture.  THe only issue was that he talked- and only to me.
   Strudel was a gossip.  He loved to tell me all the neighbors' secrets, but what he truly had a passion for was tattle tailing on my kids.
   "See, Xavier is a pyromaniac.  He actually set Mrs. Finch's hair on fire yesterday.  Mrs. Finch was afraid no one would believe her.  Anisa, on the other hand is showing a homicidal streak.  She's been slaughtering cats, birds, and mice when she says she's going to Willie's house.  Tuesday is a perfect angel, except for the fact she's a compulsive liar.  She says that she set the explosion on Cherry Street, but she didn't."  Strudel chattered.
   "I see... could you call them inside, please?" I ask in a too calm voice.
   "Of course." Strudel smiled.
   My three children walked in nervously fidgeting with their clothes.  They even looked guilty.
   "Well? Anything to say, kids?" I asked coldly.
   "Oh! I aced my history test." Xavier said, hoping I would lighten up.  My expression didn't change.
   "I helped a suffering bird find happiness." Anisa said, hoping the same.  My expression was still the same.
   "I killed Mr. Lucas." Tuesday smirked.
   "No you didn't!" I burst out. "Tuesday, you are a liar!  Anisa, you kill animals! Xavier, you are a pyromaniac!  Why didn't you tell me?"
   "We were afraid you'd send us away!" they cried.
   "Are you kidding me? I couldn't be more proud!  You're finally taking after me! Didn't you know I was Jack the Ripper?'
   "Wow! You're like my hero!" Anisa gasped.
   I totally loved my children.  I had Strudel to thank for telling me their wonderful new talents.  I gave him a cat to chase.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Awful Pink Monstrosity

   When I was six years old my mother forced me into a pink dress for Easter.  Even then I knew how absolutely hideous pink is.  I hated every second of it, and I wish that I'd forget about it.
   It started on Easter.  It was painfully sunny and hot, which was unusual for that time of year.  The dress my mother stuffed me in was ugly and uncomfortable.  It was a pale pink, tight around the shoulders, itchy, and had stiff lace around the collar.  Not to mention the tights, because I hate tights.
   Everyone cooed over how cute I was while I suffered in silence.  The tights kept riding up, and the dress made me unbearably hot.  It was the worst Easter ever.
   Since then I have had worse memories, but I think they have made me a better person in general, so I don't want to forget them.  On the other hand what value does a memory of pink dresses and itchy tights have?  

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Music Premontion

   "...and the shadow of the day will embrace the world in gray." sang a voice from the radio.  It was the third time that day that I had guessed what song would be next.  I was right every time.
   My mom was staring at me in shocked awe.  My cousins, who were staying with us at the time, looked at me in wide-eyed fascination.  I was just as shocked as they were.
   "How do you do that?" Harrison, my older cousin, asked.
   "Yeah, how do ya do dat?" asked my younger cousin, Aiden.
   I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as their stares tried to pierce into my soul.  Okay, maybe that is a little dramatic, but it was freaky.  They waited for my answer.
   "I don't know." I said with fake nonchalance.
   "No way! You gotta know!" Harrison yelled.
   I seriously didn't know.  I tried to guess the next song, but this time it was wrong.  We all dismissed it as a coincidence.  Maybe it was, or maybe it wasn't.

Monday, November 28, 2011

My Friend is a Peach

   I have a friend, Jessica, who reminds me of a peach.  She has all the properties of a peach except for the coloring, as humans generally aren't a reddish orange.  I find it interesting to compare my friends to fruit, but Jessica is the only peach.
   First, Jessica is sweet like a peach.  She's nice and quiet, and kind to basically everyone.  I'm not really sure how she manages it.  At the same time she's soft.  She lets people get away with almost anything, and step all over her.
   A peach bruises easily when dropped.  Jessica does too, only metaphorically.  She is easily offended when someone criticizes her, or if someone makes fun of her.  Thicker skin would probably help.
   Despite a peach's flaws it still happens to be one of my favorite fruits, just like Jessica is one of my favorite friends.  I don't really want her to change.  I don't want peaches to change either.  They're fine the way they are.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Lightest Material Ever Made by Man

  Recently scientists have created the lightest man made material ever.  The question is what the heck are we going to do with it now?  I have a few ideas.  Some of them are
   For example, one of my ideas is the ultimate trampoline.  The material apparently bounces back kind of like a sponge.  Just imagine the wonder of the material being in a trampoline.  I see it as the newest trampoline design that all kids will want.
   Another idea is summer clothes.  The heat gets unbearable in certain areas of the world, so lighter clothes would certainly help.  Unfortunately, clothes matters a lot to people, especially young girls.  It would be nice for them if their fashionable jeans were as cool as wearing shorts.
   My last idea I will tell you about is using it for insane asylum silverware.  It's still metal, it will pick up food, but it will be too light to seriously hurt anyone if a patient tries to kill someone.  It's always a good when less people get stabbed by forks.
   Honestly, there are so many possibilities.  Who knows where this fabric will lead us?  I certainly don't.      

Friday, November 18, 2011

Model Dogs

   The photographer, Mr. Freano, snapped shots of me in a beautiful tuxedo for his new calendar.  I posed wonderfully, with passion and grace.  The lighting crew was gasping at my beauty.
   "Okay!  Julie,  go dress Theo in his pilot costume." Freano said to my personal dresser/make-up artist.
   "Sure!  Mr. Freano, do we want to include the googles." Julie asked, and when Freano nodded, she swooped me out of the room.
   My dressing room was painted in a lovely green that reminded me of the grass I ate this morning so I could throw up my breakfast.  You got to stay skinny when you're a model.  Julie brushed through my stunning white fur, and shoved my lithe body into a jumpsuit and vest.  The goggles blocked my sparkling black eyes, so that was unfortunate, and along with the fact the stupid girl stepped on my tail I was not in a good mood.
   Despite that the photo shoot went fabulous, and I got a spot on the front cover of the 2012 Doggy Calendar.  I, Theo Barker, am the top dog model in the world.  Pretty cool, right?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stupid Song Lyrics

   It's no secret that many songs have stupid lyrics.  Some of them don't make sense at all.  I've decided to go into the song by Taylor Swift, Love story.  The tune is fairly good, and while it isn't even close to songs I love, it's not bad.
   The song is supposed to be about Romeo and Juliet. but it doesn't follow the story well at all.  First of all, the song ends happily, which as we all know doesn't happen.  The couple actually commits a double suicide.  You can't mention the most famous ill-fated lovers if you don't mention why they're ill-fated.
   Another thing that makes it all wrong is the lyrics "...'cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter."  In fact a scarlet letter is somethings you wear when you cheat on your spouse.  It is considered a shameful thing.  Even if was possible to be a scarlet letter why would you want to be one?
   This is just one example of stupid lyrics.  I think, that while Taylor Swift is a great singer,perhaps she never read the book.  Not that that is a bad thing, but she really should know a little more about what she sings about.    

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Dark Tunnel

   My teeth were grinding in frustration as I found myself yet again in my stupid reoccurring dream.  Every night for the last month had been filled with the same ridiculous/slightly frightening dream of walking through a pitch black tunnel with hissing voices whispering my name in a serial killer fashion.  It was beginning to get annoying.
   I will confess to the fact that the first three times I had the dream I was kind of scared.  After that they became annoyingly repetitive.  Instead of being filled with paralyzing fear I was filled with the kind of annoyance that makes you want to stab something.
   This time I was not going to deal with the frustrating dream.  This was my mind, and I was going to force the dream out if it was the last thing I did.  Apparently my sheer stubbornness made the dream run away in fear.  I never had it again.  If I had known that I could stop it that easily I would have simply killed the dream with my mind power.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chalky Nightmare

   It was only a few Saturdays ago when my cousins decided to visit randomly.  Only three of them actually came.  They were Harry, age ten, Al, age eight, and Ana, age two.  Ana needed to be watched because all the adults were out.
   There was no way I could watch all three cousins at the same time.  I let Harry wander off to do whatever the heck he wanted to do.  Al promised to stay in the family room and watch T.V.  Ana, on the other hand, had to watched constantly.
   Three hours later everything was calm, except for the fact I really had to use the bathroom.  I left Ana with Harry and Al.  When I came back one of the walls was scribbled on with chalk, while my two boy cousins were staring with glazed over eyes at the television.
   Let us just say I was really angry.  I got blamed for it, and Harry and Al were forbidden to come randomly visit me anymore by me.  They totally deserve it.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Previous Chapter

   My current chapter in life started right when I started my eighth grade year.  My previous chapter was my summer vacation.  I had fun in that chapter.
   One of the things I did in that chapter that was really important to me was when I went to Myrtle Beach.  A year before I had gone to Outer Banks, and I had missed Myrtle Beach.  The beach was nice and breezy, while the water was just the right temperature to swim in without my mom freaking out about the cold.  She does that sometimes.
   The hotel was awesome.  It was much better than any other hotel I'd ever been in.  Chase, my little brother, obsessed over the pool the whole time.
   My previous chapter was a lot of fun.  I'm just hoping this chapter will be just as interesting.  If it is I'll be impressed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zombie Segregation

   "Auuuahaaaghat!" Clarissa, the zombie cried out over the crowd of the undead.  A translator on the camera that was filming the gathering instantly translated the garbled speech into English.
   "We zombies refuse to be treated any differently than any other live citizen of Earth.  The way live people act as if we are monsters about to eat their brains is insulting.  Yes, we do eat brains, but you eat cows, pigs, and chicken.  Is that really any different?" Clarissa called out angrily.  "We will not accept the way we are treated anymore!"
   The protest had started three days ago when a live human tried to shoot a zombie, and the court didn't even send him to jail.  Zombies were forced to go to separate schools, and drink from separate water fountains.   No zombie was allowed to go near children, or living schools.
   Government officials (all living of course) debated on giving the zombies the same freedoms as a living person.  Eventually the zombies finally got the same rights.  It had taken what seemed like forever, but everyone, even zombies were equal.
   A few weeks after the zombies got their freedom there were no living humans anymore.  The zombies used their equality to end the living human race.  It just goes to show you shouldn't trust protesting zombies. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Lost Book

  "Rebecca! Where is that library book?" my mother yelled.
  "I don't know!  I'll look for it!" I yelled back.
  The real problem was that I lose library books all the time.  I'm not usually so forgetful about things, but I can't seem to keep my hands on library books.  I think it's because I borrow around fifteen books every time I go to the library.  Now back to the actual story.
  I ran around my house in a state of blind panic.  Pillows were thrown off couches, tables were overturned, and papers were strewn around.  I was beyond listening to anyone, which might be why I didn't hear my mom saying the library had made a mistake.  I ran around looking for a while before I had actually registered what my mom had said.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Games

  A few years ago, when I was around nine or ten years old, I had a sleepover.  I wanted my sleepover to be special though.  Everyone does sleepovers, and, being the creative child I was, I decided I'd have my own version of the Olympic Games, only more little girlish.
  The games I decided to include were the singing contest, dancing contest, skit contest, and a few other ones.  When my friends came I was really excited.  This was going to be a great birthday party.  We started with the singing contest, and let me tell you, Annie had the voice of a frog.  I felt bad about it, but the winner was Sandy.  Annie was upset, but she tried to hide it, and suggested we move on.
   The next game was the dancing contest.  Yet again Annie didn't win.  Annie danced with the grace of an elephant on roller skates.  I gave the prize to Cassy, who was an amazing dancer.  Annie scowled, but quickly covered it up with a huge fake smile.
   We all prepared our skits.  Annie delivered her lines with all the charm of a dead slug.  My friend, Lily performed with passion to rival Shakespeare.  I had to give the award to her.  But, Annie had had enough.  She snatched away the rest of the prizes and locked herself in the bathroom.  We were forced to call my mother, who called Annie's mother.  Needless to say, Annie wasn't really my friend anymore after that.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


   Hello.  I am RAD1303, the latest model of the RAD series of RS (Robotic Slaves).  I am approximately 5'4, and I weigh 213 pounds in metal.  Every other RAD is an exact copy of me, except for the fact my master experimented on me, and gave me the illusion of human emotions.  I preferred it when I was emotionless.
   Fear is one my least favorite emotion.  It paralyzes the mind, and makes me inefficient.  My sole purpose is to serve the master, but fear constantly gets in the way.  I do not suffer from the odd symptoms of fear that humans do.  My master sweats, and has what is classified as panic attacks when she encounters things that make her scared.  I, on the other hand, simply shut down, just as if my master had flipped my off switch.  It takes anywhere from five minutes to three days to start up again.
   I shall ask my master to remove my emotions.  I normally wouldn't do this, but I now can feel want.  I want to be back to normal.  Fear isn't something that should effect a RAD1303.

The Gingerbread House

   It wasn't that surprising when our stepmother threw us out of the house.  Why shouldn't she?  She clearly didn't love us.  We weren't her children, and it wasn't as if we were bringing anything to the metaphorical or literal table.  Yes, Hansel and I were basically useless.
   "Gretel!  Hansel!  Go away! Never come back!" our stepmother yelled ferociously.
   We meekly packed our meager possessions, but we didn't dare try to take any food.  Stepmother's cane was a very painful instrument of torture.  Hansel suggested we go into the woods.  Surely there would be food to find there.
   For day we trekked through the dense greenery.  My belly ached, my head pounded, and I felt as if I would faint soon.  Hansel was in slightly better condition, and he volunteered to carry me.  He claimed I was light for my age, which may or may not have been true.  I refused.  It was best to save our energy.
   Eventually I could hardly take a step.  I told Hansel to go ahead, and, if he remembered, to come back for me when he found food.  Not even five minutes later did he come back with a smile so big it looked as if it might split his face in half.
   "I found a house made of candy!" he beamed proudly.
   "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?" I replied skeptically.
   "Yes!  Now come on!"  he screamed.
   I stumbled after him as fast as I could.  When we came to a clearing I saw every kid's dream.  It was a big beautiful gingerbread house.  The garden was filled with icing roses and marzipan daisies.  The door was made of one huge chocolate bar, and the windows were made out of boiled sugar.  The sight sent saliva flooding my mouth and it was all I could do to not drool.
   Without another thought I pounced on the house and started to shove the flowers down my throat with reckless abandon.  The icing roses were smeared all over my face, and the marzipan stained my dress.  I started to gnaw on the white chocolate fence when i noticed a little old woman staring at my piggish outburst.
   I smoothed out my stained dress, and wiped my face on a white handkerchief.  I motioned at Hansel to do the same, but he ignored me in favor of staring at the licorice laces on the woman's shoes.
   "We apologize for eating your garden and part of your house.  We didn't realize that someone lived here."  I said politely.
   "Poor dearies!  Don't worry! You look half starved! Come in, and have dinner with me." she cooed in an almost sickeningly sweet voice.
   I shuddered slightly.  Was it just me or did she emphasize dinner in a bizarre way?  Almost as if... No! I was being paranoid.  Hansel didn't seem to have any issues with the lady, but Hansel had never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.
   "Oh! How rude of me!  My name is Maria.  What are yours, pets?" she asked almost too innocently.
   "Umm... I'm Gretel, and this is my brother Hansel." I said awkwardly.
   "Oh! Please come in!" Maria smiled.
   Any suspicions flew right out of my head when I saw the feast on the table.  There was roast beef, a mountain of mashed potatoes swimming in gravy, and mounds of buttered corn and peas.  Delicate glass pitchers held lemonade, sparkling spring water, and juices of all kinds.  Mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate and giant marshmallows sat on coasters.  Melt in your mouth biscuits with slabs of butter steaming on a big blue plate.
   "Well, dig in!  I already ate!" Maria cooed.
   We did dig into all the food.  I attacked the mashed potatoes, while Hansel inhaled the roast beef.  Maria watched with a satisfied, almost smug, smile.
   Both of us suddenly felt very tired.  We had walked through the woods for three days, and that much food was bound to make us sleepy.
   "Dears, why don't you spend the night?" Maria asked, and my suspicions returned.  There was just something about her expression.
   "Sure!" Hansel bubbled.  Was he really that stupid?
   "Good! Just go upstairs and pick any room you want."
   We tromped upstairs, and chose our rooms.  Mine was a bloody red, with a huge closet.  I thought that Maria might have some pajamas somewhere.  I opened the closet and struggled not to scream.  Inside was a corpse of a boy about Hansel's age.  We were leaving now!
   I grabbed Hansel and forced him out of the house.  We ran straight back into the woods and back home to beg our stepmother to let us back.  I know you were expecting Hansel and I to defeat the witch, but we are just kids.  Whether you find that surprising doesn't matter to me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Name is Sophie

   HI! My name is Sophie, and I am 5 years old.  I have brown eyes, and black hair.  My bestest friend in the whole wild world is Becca.  Her real name is Rebecca, but I like Becca much better.  Becca is really fun.  She has really fun ideas.
   Becca don't like chocolate, but I do.  It's the yummiest thing ever.  Becca likes cheese.  I like cheese too, but chocolate is much better.
   Becca is really short, but her hair is the longest in the whole class.  It's kind of a yellowish brownish color.  My black hair is puffy, and short.  I wish I had Becca's hair.
   Becca is kinda not so nice some times.  Sometimes she says she needs space.  I don't know why she needs all those stars and planets.  I'm not sure why she says she needs space to read, but I think maybe she can't read in the daytime.  You can't see space during the daytime.
   Becca is the bestest friend ever!  I love her a lot.  She probably loves me too.    

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Sonnet

Blaire the Witch
By Rebecca Davis

Blaire was a terrible witch.
Her potions were pink.
She never could make itching powder that itched.
And her broomstick would always sink.

Blaire’s tests were coming up.
She knew she did well in the writing exam.
Her cauldron would end up blown up.
She always failed the hands-on program.

She sweated and slaved.
Her fingers were cramped and achy.
She prayed that from the tests she would be saved.
When it was finished she was sure she’d done awfully.

When the results came her scores were ghastly,
   But everyone else was worse than she.

The Luck of the Irish?

   A few years ago I had a friend who was Irish.  She had this bright red hair, and really pale skin.  Her name was Sara.  Sara probably had the worst luck I've ever seen in my life.  Her whole life was filled with bad luck for some bizarre reason.
   Sara lost her pencil case in the first week of school, and she kept tripping all the time.  At first I'd dismissed it as being disorganization and clumsiness, but then I heard that her favorite bracelet had gotten stolen.  I was starting to think that her "luck of the Irish" was bad luck.
   She lost things constantly, tripped over pencils, and got in trouble all the time for being late.  At the end of school year Sara moved away,. and her bad luck went with her.  It was unusually quiet until I finally got used to life without constant yelling from Sara.  

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Legend of the Wet Dad

   Once upon a time in a land very close to here, not so long ago I was visiting the abode of my mother's sister, who I called Aunt Denise.  She was a very shot and thin woman who loved to exercise, and for this reason she had gotten a pool installed in her backyard.
   On a holiday my whole family decided to go swimming at her home.  We were all wearing bathing suits except for my father, who had decided he wasn't in the mood to swim.  Since, my older brother decided that everyone had to go for a swim he snuck up behind my dad, and you can probably guess what happened.  He pushed my dad in, clothes and all.  My dad came up sputtering and choking on the water.  He turned red and came out of the pool shaking with anger... or was he laughing? Oh! He was laughing.  Well, honestly Matthew was just lucky he didn't decide to push him in too.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sun Poisoning

   I hate sunscreen.  It could possibly be one of the most foul substances on Earth.  I honestly could never see a really good reason to wear it.  I never burned.
   Then came the sunniest day of the year.  It was the kind of day that you were sure that the sun was laughing at your pain.  I completely forgot about sunscreen, and I was at the beach.  The whole day I swam, and played in the sand without a care.
   Later that night, as we were driving home, I felt a horrible pain in my face.  It felt as if it was on fire, and when I touched it my hands were almost burned.  I tried to ignore it, but we were only half way there and I couldn't even pretend that I was fine.  So, I mentioned it.
   When we got home and my mom took a good look at my face she looked a little pale.  My skin was bubbling up into painful blisters, and soon almost my whole face was just one huge awful blister.  I couldn't go outside for a week without my face burning more than it already was.  It took two and a half weeks to finally get the last of the peeling skin off of me.  Needless to say I try to wear sunscreen in the summer now.  But, I still hate it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Stench of Cheese

    My sister and I were ridiculously excited.  Our Auntie Clementine was coming to our house for Dairy Day!  Dairy Day is a day that I celebrate everything milk related with my family.  We feast on delicious cheeses, yogurt, ice cream, milkshakes, and drink nothing but milk in all flavors.
   "HELLO, children! HOW are YOU?" called Auntie Clementine, in that strange way she yelled every other word, as she walked through the front door.
   "Awesome, Auntie!" Sanya, my sister called out.
   "And WHAT about MY most CHEESE loving NIECE, Claire?" she asked loudly. "COME give YOUR awesomely AMAZING aunt A hug!"
   "Yes, Auntie Clem." I said as I moved to give her a hug.
   As my arms wrapped around her rather large stomach I almost gagged.  A stench so foul seemed to be coming from my beloved aunt.  Why hadn't she washed before she came? She always washed once a year right before the Dairy Day celebration.
   "I have A surprise FOR you, CLAIRE!" Auntie Clem crowed.
   I unfortunately was place next to Auntie Clementine during the dairy feast.  I almost didn't enjoy the festivities. Then, at the end of the feast my aunt made an announcement.
   "FAMILY we ARE gathered HERE today TO enjoy THE dairy.  I have BROUGHT something AMAZING!  I HAVE brought DELICIOUS cheese FROM France TO share WITH you ALL!"
   So, that was the source of the awful stench.  It turns out that despite the terrible smell the cheese brought me great joy with its amazing taste.  Well, the only downside was that everyone had bad breath for a while.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Vampire Spider

   In an underground laboratory in Africa a jumping spider was trapped in a clear container.  The spider was a female dubbed Anisa by a young scientist.  Anisa was craving human blood, as her species does.  A delicious mosquito that had just had a meal of blood would be appreciated.
   Dr. Livia Warden was in the next room donating some of her blood.  The blood would go to be fed to Anisa.  Livia loved Anisa more than any human she had ever met.  Anisa listened to her despite the fact she was only twenty-two.  So, the least she could do was provide a meal for the spider.
   Livia finished up taking her blood and walked into Anisa's room.
   "Anisa, darling!  You look beautiful today!" Dr. Warden cooed.
   Anisa looked up with her many eyes at the vibrations the doctor caused.  Oh, it's just that loud, ugly creature.  I think she has my food.  She tried to look as cute as a spider who drinks blood can.  Hey, it worked for monkeys.
   The doctor thought it was extremely cute, which is actually kind of creepy.  Livia then decided it was a good idea to take Anisa out of her cage.
   "Anisa, you adorable thing!  Come to Livia!"
   Anisa, being the spider she was, gracefully climbed onto Dr. Warden's arm.  She suddenly froze. The spider felt the pulse beneath the doctor's skin.  She smelled the scent of blood.  How delicious!
   "Anisa, you're such a goo-Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Livia broke off and screamed.
   Anisa bit into the flesh of the human.  Blood welled up in her mouth.  It was so delicious, with it's salty metallic taste.
   Dr. Warden's scream attracted another doctor who quickly yanked the spider off of Livia and squashed Anisa with his boot.
   "NOOOOOOOOOO!  How could you have killed her?! YOU MONSTER!" Livia shrieked.
   "B-but she was b-biting you." the other doctor stammered.
   "Idiot! Anisa, I love you!' she weeped.
    Up in spider heaven Anisa was looking down on the two doctors.  What is the ugly loud creature doing? Eh, it doesn't matter.  She was just a food supply.

Monday, September 12, 2011


   My story sat in front of me on college ruled paper.  I twirled my pen restlessly, and occasional chewed on the end.  Was it done?  Was it? I couldn't decide.  There was a beginning, middle, and end.  the conflict was done, but it seemed to be missing something.  I didn't have anything left to say, did I?
   That was my dilemma.  How could I be sure that my story was at an end?  I had no choice, so I went to someone for help.
   "So, what do you think?" I asked after they had read it.
   "It's good, but the ending isn't quite right." they said.
   "Yeah, I know."
   I pondered over my issue for a few hours.  Then, I got bored.  Maybe doing something different would help.  I read a great book, and went back to my story.  I read through it twice, and suddenly I knew.  I just knew what I needed.  As I wrote the last sentence I realized I was trying too hard.  What I had needed was something straight from my heart.  I had nothing left to say.  I was finished.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Swarm

   Have you ever been on vacation innocently shopping or something along those lines when a vicious swarm of tourists descend upon the street?  It's terrifying.  You try to make yourself as small as possible and hope that they won't notice you.  If they find you they either trample you, or they'll force you to take pictures of them with their cheap disposable cameras when all you want to do is strangle them with the film.
   That's happened to me more than once, and every time I think the same thing.  If they're spending all their time taking pictures when do they do anything fun.  I think if you spend all your time taking pictures you never actually experience anything.
   So, if you see a tourist run away as fast as you can. Seriously, do it!  If you know a tourist(and you're feeling daring) try to rescue them from the awful fate of joining the swarm.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


   It was a fairly well known fact.  A right of passage, so to speak.  Every noble boy was given a quest by their wizard godfather.  If they completed it they became men.  If they failed then they'd probably die or be shunned forever.  So it wasn't for no reason that  Sir Christopher le Croux was nervous.
   "Do you have your sword? Do you have your horse ready? Is your shield polished?" his advisor, Blake, asked.
   "Yes! Now, I have to go receive my quest!  Get out of my way!" Chris snapped.
   "Yes, sir." Blake murmured.
   Chris scurried to the east tower where Mandrake, his wizard godfather, lived.  The staircase was steep and crumbly. It felt as if the tower was about to collapse at any minute.
   "Godfather! GODFATHER!" the boy called.
   "Oh my Magi, shut up!  Why are you here, brat?!" the foul tempered wizard replied.
   "'re supposed to give me my quest." he meekly replied.
   Mandrake spun around and stared at him. He stared a little longer. Then, he burst out laughing.
   "You?! You'll never make it!' he guffawed. "But, it's a chance to get rid of you."
   You can probably imagine that that statement didn't exactly boost his confidence.  The wizard skipped to his huge blue filing cabinet.  Mandrake never skipped!  His wrinkly pale hands flipped through all the files until they landed on File Rose.
   "Here you are! You're quest is to go to the Valley of Red Soil, and pick the Rose of Healing.  Then, take it to the Kingdom of Retina and give it to the ill Princess Iris in the form of tea to cure her disease."
   "Yes, Godfather." Chris agreed.
   Chris hopped on his strong white horse, and rode for three day and two nights to the Valley of Red Soil.  Obviously, the soil was red.  He suddenly whooped in joy.  There were two roses right up ahead!
   Oh! How would he decide which rose was the Rose of Healing?  The roses themselves were beautiful in different ways.  One rose was white as freshly fallen snow.  It radiated peace and purity.  The other rose was black as the darkest night.  It exuded a sinister, alluring aura.
   Chris decided in an instant.  Clearly, the white rose, which seemed do comforting, would cure the princess of her illness.  He carefully plucked it from the blood red ground, and started his journey to the Kingdom of Retina.
   He arrived a day later, and was immediately escorted to Princess Iris' bedchamber.  The princess looked deathly pale, and her voice sounded as hoarse as a crow's.  Chris quickly made the rose tea, and Iris swallowed it weakly.
   The change was immediate.  Her voice sounded like an angel.  Her skin glowed with a heavenly radiance, and her smile nearly made Chris swoon.  She kissed him on the forehead, and started to fade away.  Chris panicked. What was happening?
   "Thank you, Christopher le Croux.  You have cured me of the fever called living.  I'm free!" she said, as she disapeared.
   "Oh no! I must have chosen the wrong rose!"  Chris moaned.
   Just then the guards came in, and when they realized the situation dragged the moaning boy to the gallows.  There he was lynched.
   It wasn't until many years later when it came to light that the Rose of Healing(black) and the Rose of Death(white) showed what the person who would take them truly wished.  Princess Iris truly wished to die.  That was why the Rose of Healing was black and evil looking. She thought that life was evil.    

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Spirit of Generosity

   Elaine was the Spirit of Generosity.  It was a fairly reasonable job.  Her boss was the Spirit of Leadership, so he, naturally, was a great leader.  Unfortunately, as she was the Spirit of Generosity, it was in the job description that she give away her pay check to those who needed it more than her.  This lead to cheap clothes, a less than appealing neighborhood, and living in an alley.
   One Thursday, near the end of an extremely busy day, Elaine was doing her last job of the day.  A middle school in Delaware was in need of a new computer lab.  Hot Topic was debating if they should really give the school the money.
   "They already have computers." one man reasoned. "Why would they need new ones?"
   "Because they have Dells." a woman said.
    The group of men and women turned to the man who would choose whether or not the school got the money.  He was about to refuse, but then he started to feel unusually nostalgic.  He remembered when he was young, and his best friend went to a school that needed money terribly.  The school was so awful because of that.
   "Yes, we will give the school the money." he said, and the people wondered why he was being so generous.
   It was another job well done by Elaine.  Now it was time to home to her alley.  It was sad that no one could be generous enough to offer her a place to stay for the night.  She guessed that humans just couldn't generous without a push in the right direction by her.
   At the alley, Elaine's stomach roared in hunger, but she couldn't waste her money on dinner if she wanted to have breakfast the next day.  She tried to fall to sleep, but her empty stomach wouldn't let her.
It was going to be a miserable night. She could tell.
   Out of nowhere, a pair of feet tapped on the pavement near her.
   "Excuse me, you look hungry." a little girl stated.
   "Yeah, I guess I am." Elaine replied.
   "Here. I was gonna buy some gum, but you need it more." the girl held out a dollar bill.
   Elaine was amazed.  Here was a child who was generous without her influence.  It was a first.
   Perhaps, there was hope for humanity, and perhaps, Elaine had just found the prefect successor.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Ant Peanut Butter

   A leg jabbed into my side bringing me out of my peaceful slumber. The leg was my Mommom's. I had spent the night at her house with two of my cousins. My stomach growled hungrily.
   My Mommom had always been a light sleeper so she woke up when I tried to get out. I smiled sheepishly.
   "Well, since I'm awake I'll make you some breakfast." she said.
     It turned out that my cousins had already woken up and were snacking on peanut butter and crackers. It looked pretty good so I decided to have some.
   Then I noticed the small black things in the peanut butter. I peered into the peanut butter jar. The orangey-brown color of the peanut butter was speckled with black chunks. I realized they were ants.
  "Um...there are ants in the peanut butter." I hesitantly said.
   My cousins gaped at me. The younger one gagged slightly. The other other one ran to the bathroom. Suddenly, I was thankful that I had woken up last.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Epic Story of My Many Couches

  The story of my many couches begins before I was born.  My deceased dog, Violet, was still a puppy, and had a habit of chewing anything in sight. At that moment we had a light grayish blue couch.  Violet decided it was a fantastic chew toy, and somehow destroyed the couch that was at least five times her size.
  The next couch came when I was born. It was blue with thin tan stripes. My older brother, Matthew, was being babysat by one of my mommoms. She went to the bathroom for around two minutes. When she came out my brother had made a hole in couch. We still aren't completely sure how he did it.
  We then got an ugly blue couch. It was a hideous cookie monster blue. Nothing actually happened to that one, but it was so awful we just threw it out.
  Our current couch is tan, and fairly puffy. I guess it's okay.  It probably won't last very long. None of the others have. This couch, while I'm convinced it is slowly breaking apart, is probably my favorite so far.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Worst Movie I Ever Watched

  I've watched a lot of lousy movies. The worst one by far was Sleeping Beauty. I've always respected Disney movies because most of their movies are really good.  Sleeping Beauty is an exception.
  The main character is a weak, dependent female that does nothing but meet the prince, and touch a spindle. On that train of thought have you noticed how absolutely obvious the fact is that a spindle bathed in a eerie green light is going to be dangerous. Sleeping Beauty clearly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  Then there's the prince. Although he had the best intentions it isn't fair that the fairies get no credit for the part they played in Sleeping Beauty's rescue. The prince would still be locked up in Maleficent's castle if not for the fairies.
  So, honestly the movie would have been way more interesting if Maleficent had won, and not died in such a pathetic way. It was a really bad movie. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home Free

  I can't help but think that sometimes my average day resembles a certain game we used to play, Home Free. The basic rules were that  the person who was "It" counts to twenty-nine while the other players hide,  while "It" was looking for people the hiding people tried to get to home base without getting tagged. If you got tagged you are "It." If you get to the home base and yell the name of the game you win.
  You may be wondering how exactly some of my days resemble this game. My average day at school starts with checking the clock occasionally, which is the counting.  I try to avoid getting called on, so I fade into the backround as well as I can. That would be the hiding. Then, at the end of the day I speed walk to the bus trying to get to my home without getting in any trouble. My home would be, you guessed it, home base. Although I don't actually call out home free, I think you can see the similarities.
  Not all my days are quite like that, of course. When I'm not in a good mood it usually ends up like this, though.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cute...But Deadly

  The large unblinking blue eyes stared back at me.  I was vaguely disturbed by the disproportianate features of the creature. I directed my gaze back to the child holding the monstrosity towards me.
  "So, can I have it?" the child asked.
  "Where did that come from? I don't remember putting anything like that in my garage sale." I said to myself.
  The...thing had ridiculously large eyes in a too small face. Its nose resembled mouse's slightly.  The thing had fluffy light purple fur. I was certain I had never owned such a thing.
   "How much is it?" she asked.
   "Whatever you want to pay. I guess I forgot to price it."
   "I'll pay twenty dollars." the little girl offered.
   I reeled back in shock. Why would anyone want such a hideous little toy? Its shrunken little body, and its swollen head repulsed me. I didn't care if it was just a toy. I didn't care if it was supposed to be cute, and apparently was to most people. It was creepy!
   "I don't think that it's worth that much." I said.
   "Oh...okay. I'll pay fifty dollars." the child said almost in desperation.
   "You can take it for free." I offered.
   The child looked at me as if I was crazy. It was just a stupid toy. What was the big deal?
   "Thank you." the girl clutched the ugly thing to her chest.
   The kid ran away as fast as her little legs could carry her and jumped into a large black van. It sped out of sight.
   Around three weeks later I was at home relaxing in front of the television. Suddenly, my show was interupted by an emergency broadcast.
   "Warning! A very dangerous child criminal is on the loose. She can be recognized by the fact that she carries all her weapons in a one-of-a-kind stuffed animal." the new anchor warned.
   I felt a sickening, heavy sense of dread.
   "Here is a picture of her and her stuffed animal." a picture of the girl, and the bizarre stuffed animal I gave her flashed on the T.V.
   Oh no... I was in trouble. What if the police said that I was an accomplice? Well, at least I learned a valuble lesson. Don't judge a book by its cover, or you may regret it.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

It Knocked Me Breathless

  I was around five years old, in my home. The television was blaring in another room. All my family was in the t.v room, except for me.  I had been reading a book, but it was really bad, so I decided to go see the rest of my family.
  Unfortunately, our dog wasn't allowed in the t.v. room, so there were gates in the doorways. I, for some reason, decided that I would climb over the obviously too tall gate. I struggled up to the top of it, my muscles aching. I sat on the top, ready to climb my way down when the gate loosened. My body slammed straight into the floor. Even though it was carpeted it totally winded me.
  I struggled to breathe. I felt pure unadulterated panic. My body was spasming. My mom and dad tried to calm me down. After a while they succeeded. My breathing came back. Let's just say I never tried to climb on those gates again.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Haunted House

  When I think haunted house I think cheap non-scary carnival haunted house. I've never been in a scary haunted house in my life. It disapoints me. I love to be scared...although it takes a lot to scare me. Whoever makes haunted houses has something to learn.
  One of the first haunted houses I went in was one of those board walk ones. It was really bad. The haunted house had cheesy plastic spiders, unrealistic cobwebs, and the costumes were fake and silly. I didn't scream once.
   The only remotely cool haunted house I've been in was in Disney World, and even then it wasn't actually scary at all. It just had cool effects. It, at least, was worth the money. Haunted houses seldom are. It makes me sad.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

If I Could Keep Time in a Bottle

  If I could keep time in a bottle the first thing I'd do is bottle some time and give it to people who are about to die.  People who are going to pass away should be able to say goodbye to everyone they love. It's important for people to die with no regrets, so they can use their time-in-a-bottle to sort out anything they regret about their life.
  I could also collect the bottles of time and sell them. They'd be worth a lot.  I'd have to be sure that I'd omly sell one per customer. I don't want people living forever. That's not natural, and I'm pretty sure there is a reason humans don't live forever.
  Honestly, I don't think I'd want to keep time in a bottle. Everyone has a certain amount of time. We should use it properly, and if we do we won't need timme in a bottle.

Monday, May 2, 2011

More Time

  If I could have  time with someone it would probably be with the author of the book Graceling. She is an amazing writer, and her characters have extreme depth. I'd love to learn about writing from her.
  I want to be an author when I get older, so it would be invaluble to learn from someone who actually got a book published. If I want to talk to an author I might as well talk to one that wrote one of my favorite books.
  I understand some people might pick a friend or a member of their family. I feel that you can see them whenever. You can't talk to someone famous or amazing whenever you want to.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Adult That Was Like a Child

  Ms. Wren P. Quillus was a perfect adult. She was neat, obedient, serious, and responsible. No one ever expected the day when she finally cracked.
  She was sitting on a wooden chair (not the spinning kind...way too irresponsible) in front of her computer typing away like a proper business lady. Lately, she had noticed a slight difference within her psyche. Something was building up like a thunderstorm just upon the horizon. It would turn out to be equally as dangerous.
  "Quillus, are those reports done?" her boss, Mr. Benning, asked.
  "Yes." Wren replied dutifully.
  The feeling continued to progress for the rest of the day and all through the night. It built up more and more. Wren became increasingly uncomfortable. She felt the need to slide down banisters, skip work, play on the playground, sing a silly song, and dance in the rain. Wren squashed the need as well she could and it was alll she could do not to skip to work.
  "Good morning, Quillus! Great job on your report!" congratulated Mr. Benning.
  "HI! I-I m-mean g-good-d m-morn-ning." she stuttered.
  Wren rushed into her cubicle and dropped into her chair. She squirmed uncontrollably. The mysterious pressure became stronger and stronger until the dam of her mind burst.
  The people in the office jumped up and ran to Wren's cubicle. They found her dancing on the top her desk. 
  "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!! BUM BUM BUM BUM!" she jumped off the desk, saying, "THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!! RUN!"
  Mr. Benning whipped out his phone and called up the "men in white." They arrived shortly dragging Wren Quillus out of the building. Later that day you could hear almost everybody saying, "Wren? Wren P. Quillus? She went crazy? No way! She did? Oh wow!"
  The doctors figured out that the child part Wren's brain had finally broken free. She was sent an insane asylum in Antartica. You can see her in Room 113. She's probably still there.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Scariest Movie

  I've watched a lot of scary movies in my time and I can honestly tell you I haven't reallly been scared of ny of them. I'd honestly have to say the movie that brought me closest to being scared was probably either Resident Evil 3 or Drag Me to _. Honestly neither were that scary.
  Drag Me to _ wasn't that scary but it had a huge gross out factor. There were lots of dead bodies, and gooey stuff coming out of dead people's mouths, and killing kittens. It was so gross it was almost funny.
  Resident Evil 3 was scary because I watched it when I was eight. It wasn't a good idea. Let's just say I wasn't able to think of anything remotely dead without thinking about zombies. I watched it again in about a year, and I realized it wasn't actually that scary.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Dollar Bill

  My dollar bill is mostly on dreaming. So, here is what I decided to do.
  1.  My signature
  2. I chose Pocahontos for the person because she reminds me of standing up for your dreams.
  3. I named my country line Powhatan Dreams because again, this dollar bill is based on dreams and Pocahontos was from the Powhatan tribe.
  4. My symbol is a dream catcher because it symbolizes having only good dreams.
  5. The motto I chose was "Yesterday is but today's memory, tommorow is today's dream."

Friday, April 8, 2011

What Makes a Good Friend???

  Note: All names in this story have been substituted for the sake of privacy.
  It was one of those Mondays. The kind of Monday that makes you want to crawl under a rock and never come out. The kind of Monday where the whole world wishes it could go back to sleep. Of course you can't because you have to go to school.
  I was sitting in my desk squished between Matthew Greene and Rachel Poutanica. Matthew was straining to stay awake, and Rachel was bright and alert. Our teacher, Mrs. Rowac, was chugging down coffee like it was water from the Fountain of Youth.
  "Class, welcome our new student, Joanne Fisher." Mrs. Rowac sighed.
  A short girl walked in cautiously. She had short brown hair, and was covered in freckles. Her eyes were a slightly washed out blue. She carried a folder with puppies printed on it.
  "H-hi. I-I'm Joanne. Call me Jo." she stuttered.
  "Take the seat next to Morgan. Morgan raise your hand." Rowac commanded.
  I raised my hand slowly, and gave Joanne a small smile. She walked over and sat down.
  "Hi. I'm Morgan." I greeted.
  "Hi. I'm Jo." she said back.
  "Wanna be friends?" I asked nonchalantly.
  "O-oh. Okay." she agreed.
  That meeting started a beautiful friendship. Jo was really fun, she stood up for me, and she taught me that being a good friend meant that you always stick together.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Would You Want That?

  I was enjoying a normal walk in the park on a normal afternoon. The sun was shining, the slight breeze cooled the air. It was really nice out.
  "Miri!!! How are you?! Why don't you come to mall with us?!" a sudden shrill voice disrupted my peace.
  "OH! THAT IS MIRI!! HI! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!!!" a bellowing voice followed.
   I would have recognized those voices anywhere. I cursed fate and, went to say my greetings. The whole time I was thinking "Why me?"
  "Hello, Bea. Hello, Trina." I moaned.
  Believe me when I say I don't hate them. Beatrice "Bea" Banaby had been one of the most popular people in college. When I decided I didn't want to hang out with her she decided to investigate (stalk). Katrina "Trina" Long was captain of the football team, and she's a girl. When I became the track captain she resolved to stalk me as well.
  "Miri, we were just going to the cutest little shop! Everything they sell is one of a kind. You should come with us." Bea beamed.
  "Uh....sure." I said, not wanting to be rude.
  I walked along with them until we came upon a cute little shop. It was made of warm rose colored bricks, and had a cute little sign that said, "The Unique Boutique."
  We walked in and a bell rang, announcing our arrival. A small, stout woman dressed in a loose purple dress rushed over.
  "Salutations! May I help you?" she twittered.
  I stared at her strange attire. Her red hair was tied back in a black lacy bandanna. Her shoes had dangerously high heels.
  "Yes! Yes! We are looking for something totally out there." Trina squealed.
  "Oh! I have just the thing!" the purple clad woman promised.
  She led us into the back of the store. The air got musty, and had dust floating around. The woman's heels clacked, and her dress dragged across the floor.
  We suddenly stopped. I was shocked at what I saw. It was the worst fashion abomination I had ever seen in my life.
  It was a hideously bright yellow dress that was ridiculously long on one side. On the other side the skirt barely hit the middle of the mannequin's thigh. The horror had little hot pink bows dotting the whole thing. A large hot pink bow was sown on the butt. The bodice was covered in yellow canary feathers and fake pink rhinestones. The dress came with a pair of pink and yellow zebra print stiletto heels.
  "Woah..." I was completely awed by it's hideousness.
  "I know! It's beautiful!!" Bea gushed. "I must have it!!!"
  "It is absolutely stunning, but I will be the one buying it." Trina insisted.
  "Deary me! This is one of a kind." the shopkeeper said. "Only one of you can have it."
  I stared in shock at my two companions. Were they really that stupid. The dress was absolutely ugly.
  "I want it!" Bea screamed.
  "GIVE IT TO ME!!!!" Trina screeched.
  I decided it was probably time for me to go. I slipped out of the store, leaving the the two morons to argue over the dress for all time. Just kidding! Eventually, the weird lady threw them out.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The J.K. Rowling Monument

  There have been countless monuments dedicated to great people. If I could dedicate a monument to someone that person would be J.K. Rowling. She, as you probably know, wrote the Harry Potter series.
  The monument would be a huge stone statue of Harry Potter flying on a broom with Voldemort and two deatheaters chasing him. The statue would be made of granite or marble.
  I'd probably want the statue to be put somewhere cool like in front of the National Library. If I couldn't put it there I'd just keep it in my room. Or I might put it inside the Newark Library. All of those loacations work for me.
  People would (I hope) like to look at the statue. J.K. Rowling would have to see it too. What would be the point if she didn't know there was a monument honoring her. Hopefully, she'd feel flattered and happy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Shish the Fish

  When I was younger I would have given up my life for my goldfish, Shish the Fish. He was orange and yellow. Shish was the laziest, sorriest fish I'd ever seen. For some reason I loved him anyway. I can't imagine why. He did NOTHING.
  When he died I wallowed in my sorrow for a week. All over a ridiculously lazy fish. I now would never feel bad over Shish. I would never sacrifice my life for a fish now. That would be stupid.
   When he passed away, I went through a whole funeral procession. It included my parents, my toys, and I marching around the backyard. We ended at the toilet where we flushed Shish down.
  Yeah... I was pretty stupid. I really do realize that goldfish die quickly.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the Merry-Go-Round

  Round and round you go,
  On the merry-go-round.
  The animals dance,
  Which one do you choose?
  The fierce tiger,
  The hopping bunny,
  The scary dinosaur?
  The horse, perhaps,
  With its flowing mane?

  Join the animals in their dance,
  A twirling, spinning prance.
  Round and round,
  On the merry-go-round,
  And spin all through the day.


Monday, March 28, 2011

The Door!

  I stood frozen to the spot, staring the Door. It  had in inviting yellow sign that said, "Caution~This door must be kept closed." The Door taunted me with the way it was forbidden. It called to me. I knew I had no choice but to open it.
  It isn't that I didn't try to keep myself from opening the Door. I had walked away twice, but I kept coming back. The Door must have had something special behing it, or so I thought.
  Then, my overactive imagination began to think about all the possibilities. Maybe it had a secret circus behind it. Or, it might have a treasure chest hidden behind it. Who really knew? So, that's why I had to open it.
  Unfortunately, when I opened the door I found the frozen head of T. J. Runner.  Needless to say, I got fired from my job when they found out I melted their bosses head.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Long Animation Ideas

  I actually have two different ideas for a long animation. I believe they are both decent. One of my ideas is to do a recreation of the sinking of the Titanic. I think the idea might be a little morbid, though. It would go from the docks when the ship left to when the people got rescued. I'm not completely sure if this is something I really want to do, but I decided to put it up anyway.
  My second idea is to do a Little Red Riding Hood spoof, where it goes basically the same as the original story until the end. In the end of it Little Red Riding Hood could beat up the Big Bad Wolf and throw him down a well.
  I'm not sure whether I like any of these, so I'm still thinking of some more. I might not end up wanting to use either of my ideas.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lucid Dreaming

  Loving the movie Inception was inevitable. So, it's no suprise the movie influenced my dream. My dream went mostly like this.
  My dreamself was playing Gutiar Hero in the middle of some random living room, somewhere. She was dancing arouund the room singing when she was pushed over by three older people who wanted to play. My dreamself fumed. Then, she realized that the whole thing was a dream. Dreamself just had to make the three older people disapear. She made the whole dream in her image.      
  My real self wants to lucid dream again, but it's difficult. Real self is still trying though. She isn't giving up.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

A True Curveball

  Sally's life had always been on a fairly straight forward. She had a mom, a dad, and a little brother. She got straight A's, did her chores, and played piano. Sally never really thought about how repetitive her life was. She was content.
   Then came the day when the family was riding in the car. A drunk driver's car slid into the next lane and knocked into their car. Sally screamed loudly. Her little brother cried out. The cars tumbled off the road, and layed there.
  Sally gasped in fright. Her parents weren't moving. She realized she and her little brother were on their own. They had just recieved the worst screwball of their lives.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Too Smart for Six

  "Mrs. Franks, I must inform you that your son, Lucas, has the intelligence of three college professors combined." Dr. Fitz said.
  "What?! He's only six!" Mrs. Franks exclaimed.
  Both of the adults looked at the six year old sitting calmly in an old leather chair. Lucas had dark brown hair, and blue eyes.  He stared back at them.
  "He's never acted like a genius." Mrs. Franks said.
  "Does he cry? Does he play with his toys?" Dr. Fitz asked.
  "Mother, don't you think we should be leaving?" Lucas suddenly spoke. "You know that it's time for my snack. I'd like some caviar."
  "Oh!" she said. "I guess he is a genius."
  "Mother! We need to go! Father will not be pleased if you are not home to prepare supper."
  "Coming Lucas!" Mrs. Franks said.
  "Try to get him to act like a kid. Acting so adult isn't good for him." the doctor called after her, as she walked away.
  "Okay!" Mrs. Franks said.
  "She's lying. She won't do it." Dr. Fitz said sadly. "Oh well."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Anorexic People

  When I was younger I learned what being anorexic was. My natural curiosity made me check on the internet to see what exactly it looked like. I was scared of anorexic people for a long time. It disturbed beyond your wild imagination. I was only like seven or eight.
  Then, one day on the street I saw an anorexic person. It was so much worse in real life. My fear continued for about a year.
  Now, I know that being anorexic is a medical/eating disorder, and I feel sorry for them. It makes me feel bad that I was scared of them just because they looked like a skeleton, only with skin. But, it was still scary when I was younger. You can't change that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Allie Thicket: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

  "Daddy! Where are you?" Allie yelled.
  "In the garage!" he yelled back.
  Allie was an average kid.  She had red hair and blue eyes.  She lived with her mom, her dad, and her dog, Georgia. Allie secretly loved her daddy more than anything. In fact, she loved him better than her mom.
  "Allie! It's bedtime." her mother said.
  "B-but I don't wanna go to bed yet." Allie begged.
  "Come on, dear, can't she stay up a little longer?" Dad asked.
  "No, tommorow she has school." Mom insisted.
  Allie pouted and stomped up to bed. She quickly slipped under the covers.
  Later that night, Allie was woken up by voices. Carefully, she snuck out of her room, and put her ear to her parents' door.
  "Eddie, we can't keep on spoiling Allie. It isn't fair to her!" Mom screeched.
  "Allie and I have so much fun. Clearly, you're just jealous." Dad blurted out.
  "Well, what if I am!? She loves you more than she loves me!" Mom cried.
  "You don't spend enough time with her!" he rebuttled.
  Allie clenched her fists.
  "Look, I'm taking Allie away from you. You aren't a suitable parent." Mom said.
  Allie ran back to her room and burst into tears. It wasn't fair. Why should they fight? Something had to be done!
  She scuttled downstairs to get a bottle of bleach. After tucking it under her bed she fell asleep.
  The next morning, Allie was downstairs trying to make breakfast for her parents. She made toast, and poured two cups half full of milk. Then, she poured bleach into the other half of each glass.
  Her parents came downstairs and were delighted with their breakfast.
  "This is delicious, sweetie." Mom said, gulping down her milk.
  "You're quite the cook." Dad agreed, after draining his cup.
  "Thank you." Allie sweetly said.
  Suddenly, both her parents began to cough violently. Their muscles twitched uncontrollably.
  "Wh-what is h-happening?" Mom croaked.
  "You guys shouldn't have argued. You punish me when I'm bad. You were bad this time." Allie twistedly smiled.
  "Wha?" Dad choked out. He would have said more but, then he died. Allie's mother followed shortly.
  Allie struggled to drag their bodies into their room, and laid them down on the bed. Allie then spoke.
  "Now you can't leave. We'll be together. Together forever."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsumani Attack!

  "Tsunami warning! It's insane! Tsunamis are popping up everywhere. All around the globe people are panicking!" I yelled into the camera.
  I really hated my job. Why couldn't I have wanted to be a pilot, an author, even a garbage woman? I just had to be a weathergirl. I was so stupid! No one else had to stand outside near a tsunami!
  "I repeat, tsunami warning in all the following countries: Hawaii, Japan, Madagascar, Greenland, and Australia. Evacuating procedures are starting immediately."
  Suddenly, my camera man, Jeff, screamed and started to run away.
  "A giant wave is behind me right? I hate my job," I asked myself, "Well, this is Molly Something signing off. Yeah...bye."
  A giant wave came down over me and the camera went black. Or at least I guess it did. I was busy trying to get rescued.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Battle of Silent Forest

  "General Sash, we are approaching the Silent Forest. Should we send ahead a scout?" Lieutenant Craine asked.
  "Sounds good. Send Green." I ordered.
  My troops and I were about to enter the Silent Forest. I had to prepare carefully because our spies had informed us on an ambush the Trinias had planned on us. We'd have to respond with an ambush on our own. The only problem was that unless we got the Silent Tree Nymphs on our side we wouldn't be able to communicate. An army that can't communicate is doomed.
  "Translator, where are you!" I yelled.
  I saw the gangly form of the translator who would (hopefully) get the Nymphs to resist using their magic silencing spell on us. I would have called the translator by her name, but I completely forgot his name. 
  "Please call me Tony!" the translator smiled.
  "Mr. Tony, did the Nymphs agree to assist us?" I asked.
  "Oh! Yes! They did!"
  Although I found his enthusiasm slightly sickening his news was good. I grinned wickedly. It was timee to move out. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Lost and Found

  Hello, I'm Professor Owl, the founder of the L.A.F.B.G. (Lost And Found Bird Group).  I am here today to give a lecture , but I hate lectures. So, I'm just going to tell you a story about how I came up with the idea.
  It was a friendly kind of day. The sun was shining without trying to roast our wings. I was in my study reading an ancient bird text, when the lovely, blue Miss. Quetzel burst into the room.
  "Oh! Professor Owl my egg is GONE! What shall I do?!" Miss. Quetzel cried.
  "Please, Miss. Quetzal, relax! Tell me what happened." I reasoned.
  "W-well, my little egg was stolen, by a-a human." she stuttered.
  I was shocked. Humans were relatively peaceful to eggs. Why would they start now? Well, I wasn't about to let it happen again!
  "Miss. Quetzel, would you like to join the L.A.F.B.G." I asked.
  "What's that?"
  "It's a organization that I just made up! It's for rescuing eggs in peril!" I trumpeted.
  "Oh! That is GENIUS!" Miss. Quetzel beamed.
  So, that's what we did. It wasn't hard. Many birds loved the idea! That's the story of my success. Wasn't it better than a boring lecture?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Idea of Lying

  The idea of lying was something that completely changed the fate of man. It irrevocably changed the world and all who lived in it. Suprisingly, it started with an important caveman, Gurgun, who ruled over a little group of cavemen.
  Gurgun was known far and wide for his great wisdom. If you came to him he knew the answer. But, one day he didn't.
  "Oh Great and Powerful Gurgun, my mother is greatly ill! How do I save her?!" a young child cried.
  Gurgun had no idea. He wasn't actually that smart. He usually just told people meaningless answers that made them feel good. They were vague enough to be true. This question was making it hard to be vague.
  Then hit him. He didn't have to be honest, did he? Gurgun was super proud of himself and looked at the child.
  "Child, do not fret! Your mother will survive if you kill a wooly mammoth for me." Gurgun said slyly.
  "Oh! B-but..of course, Your Greatness." the child whimpered.
  From then on Gurgun lied all the time, and he taught all his descendants. So, lying eventually spread to everyone.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Great Vacation War

    It was one of those cold, windy days in March that everyone hates. Well, almost everyone hates them. My parents were debating on where we would go for vacation. It was between Myrtle Beach and Wildwood.
  "Myrtle Beach has warmer water." argued my mom.
  "Sure it does. But, have you noticed that it's eight hours away, and we have a two-year old with us." Dad said.
  "Matthew hates Wildwood." Mom insisted.
  "Chase can't handle the ride. He's two." Dad said.
  "Why don't you ask us?" I asked. gesturing toward my brothers and I.
  "Rebecca, please go entertain Chase." they dismissively said.
  They argued off and on for a week until my siblings and I stepped in.
  "Really? You've been arguing all week. Just choose a place." Matthew irratibly demanded.
  "You're making Chase antsy." I added.
  "Oooooh!" Chase screamed.
  Mom and Dad saw our reactions and finally chose Myrtle Beach.  We had a good time, so it was all good.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Very Humiliating Role

  "You're on soon, Xavier! Get dressed!" the director yelled.
  I swallowed nervously, and stared at my costume. It was so humiliating! The costume was a girlish toga thing. I was going to wear 6-inch stiletto heels. Apparently, they made me look more womanly. The wig I was given was a golden blond and really itchy.
  I growled as I put on the outfit. It's not like I wanted to play a woman, but my agent promised she had the perfect role for me. Yeah, right.
  My part was the leading lady. In other words I'd have to kiss some dude. The main hero was good looking, I guess. I have a wife, and this will be so embarrassing.
  I took a deep breath and walked on stage. I heard cat calls and whistling from the audience. My face heated up with anger and humiliation. 
  A few hours later I was running away from weird guys who wanted my number. I guess that I make a good woman? Ugh.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One of my Worst Memory

  When I was about eight or nine I got really sick over the summer. My stomach was insanely upset, and I even had trouble going down the stairs. All in all I was in pain.
  None of that is my worst memory, however. The absolute worse was that I was running for a week on two to four hours of sleep a night. I was half asleep in the daytime, and freaked out over the smallest thing. The reason I had no hope to get a full night's sleep was I had the strangest nightmares. I could never remember what they were about, and half the time I woke up somewhere other than where I fell asleep.
  It may not seem that bd but you weren''t there to experience the nightmares.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Big Discovery

  It was a very solemn day, but I wasn't sure why. My whole family looked miserable. The sky seemed to have been drained of all color.  I had been forced into an itchy purple dress, and pinchy black shoes. I felt like crying.
  As we stepped up on a platform, I saw my six year-old cousin laying in a coffin. My little five year-old brain couldn't comprehend it.
  "Mommy?" I whispered.
  "Shhhh." she said.
   I pouted, and because everyone else did I went up and touched my cousin's hand. It was cold. Not the cold of snow or the cold of the freezer, but a new, entirely different cold. It was only later that I knew it was the cold of death.
  Suddenly, I understood that my cousin was gone. She wasn't coming back, and I cried.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Sweeping Change

  Q&A with Jubilee Pastri, Director of the Cupcake Dynasty

  Q. Can you tell us about the overthrowing of the previous director?
  A. Well, Cupcake Frosting, our previous director, was the one who founded Cupcake Dynasty. He was originally a wonderful leader and I was his trusted second in command. Then Mr. Frosting started to reduce the workers' paychecks. The workers went on strike and the demand for cupcakes grew until Mr. Frosting had no choice but to hand over his position to me.

  Q. How do you feel about Mr. Frosting now?
  A. I feel that Mr. Frosting was a wonderful man. He really was. Frosting was a true cupcake making genius. The power corrupted him.

  Q. What changes are you going to make?
  A. I have many ideas for the Cupcake Dynasty. Giant cupcakes, and cupcakes with pictures of real people on them are just two.

  Q. Where is Mr. Frosting now?
  A. I believe that he is now retired and is taking therapy to deal with his issues. I hope he'll be better soon.  


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Mom's Products

Here are five products my mom uses:
1. Windex Multi-Surface Cleaner
2. All purses
3. carpet cleaners
4. vaccume cleaner
5. Town and Country minivan

  "REBECCA! Have you seen my teal purse?!" yelled my mom.
  "Which one?!" I yelled back.
  "The one that has the buckles!" she said.
  I sighed, exasperatedly. My mom was obsessed with purses. She had enough to wear a different one each day for a year. 
  "Didn't you leave that in the hallway closet?" I asked.
  "No, I moved it." Mom admitted.
  She sat next to me and shrugged her shoulders in capitulation.
  "You could use your other teal purse. You know? The one with the studs." I suggested.
  "OH! You're right! I'll just use that." my mother said.
  My mom is pretty easy to please when it comes to purses. She has so many purses it's not difficult to find one similiar to the original one she wanted.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Least Favorite Food

  Note: This is false! I despise chocolate more than any other food!
  Mmmmm! I love chocolate! It's the best food on Eath, you know? Chocolate is creamy, and really sweet. It's like a bite of heaven. It is warm brown, and gives me a cozy feeling. Sort of like laying down with a heated blanket. 
  Chocolate makes me feel good. It releases endorphins in the brain, which makes people happy. Everyone likes to be happy, right?
  I really do LOVE chocolate more than anything! Everyone should try it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Caveman Government

  "Fugian Council! It is time to create our government!" yelled Ugen.
  "Perhaps, but who is to create the laws?" Flug asked warily.
  "Do not be stupid, Flug! Clearly, the Great Urgen Flurgen will create the laws. He is the wisest of all!" Allf scoffed.
  Flug looked relieved and then very insulted. How dare he suggest Flug was stupid! Just as he was about to kick Allf, a lanky, thin caveman with white hair put his arm in front of him.
  "Do not hurt him. There is no need. I will create your laws." the man soothed.
  "Oh! The Great Urgen Flurgen is here!" the council screamed in unison.
  "Be calm. These are the laws:
 1. If you desire something from another give something in return.
 2. Kill any man who kills a family member.
 3. Cut off the hands of any children who disobey an elder."
  "How genius, O Great Urgen Flurgen!" they cried.
  The Great Urgen Flurgen slipped silently away into the fog. He left the cavemen to kill each other because we all know that every government needed a leader. He hadn't botherwed to appoint one.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Internet Withdrawl Syndrome

  Hello. I am Dr. X, the leading researcher in Internet Withdrawl Syndrome. One of my bosses (the stupid one) told me to write a paper on how IWS came about. I think it's stupid to do so because everyone knows about it.
  It started on July 24, 2013. I woke up with a sliver of sunlight falling straight on my eyes. Stretching, I sat up. Sleep clouded my brain. After I did my morning routine I went on the Internet. Or at least I tried to. Unfortunately, the Internet wasn't working.
  I'll admit that I wasn't worried. My Internet server occasionally went down. It usually would be back up in a few hours.
  A few days later the Internet was still down. I realized EVEYONE's Internet was down. Soon, people started to get IWS.  People were randomly killing their family members because they couldn't get to their violent computer games. Communication between people slowed and soon there were thousands of hermits.
  I decided that I had to join the research squad. No one should have to go through IWS. It's the syndrome of our most accurate nightmares.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Remembering to Forget

  I quickly surveyed the building and saw a vent on the left side. Instantly, my body responded rushing into the shadows. Pulling out my laser, I opened the vent quietly. I crawled into the air duct, and it responded to my weight with an audible groan.
  My dark brown eyes were cool and calculating as I saw how even the tiniest whisper would echo as loud as an avalanche. I inwardly groaned. Couldn't being a government agent ever be easy? No, of course it couldn't.
  The vent creaked at the slightest movement. Maybe I needed to lose some weight? Then came the moment where I fell, or more correctly, the vent fell with me in it. Ouch.
  "Hello, Agent 007A! I was beginning to think you weren't coming." my arch nemesis, Professor Poppleenstein, cackled.
  "Hello, Professor." I cautiously replied. "How are you?"
  "Good. But, I'm sure you'd love to be shown to your room now." Poppleenstein said.
  "My usual room?" I asked.
  Huge, burly thugs came out and grabbed my arms forcefully. Their grips would leave bruises. I could fell them already forming.
  "Hello, Borus. Hey, Horus." I groaned.
  "Go interogate her." my enemy commanded.
  I smiled slyly. They didn't know that I had been trained to forget everything at a moments notice. Poppleenstein would never get a thing out of me because I wouldn't know. I let out a dark laugh. Let Poppleenstein interrogate me into the ground. He'd get nothing.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Air Fragrance

  If I could change the scent of air to any smell it would probably be lemons and rosemary.  I'd choose that because it's a distinctive, clean scent. I don't have to worry about it smelling bad when it gets wet, either. It's an unusual combination, or so says my friend.
  The smell reminds me of some of my favorite memories. My great grandmother's old house always smelled like that. But, she had to move in with my poppop. I still miss that house. It was filled with knicknacks and great memories.
  I feel that if  that scent filled the air at all time I'd always be relaxed and happy. Who doesn't want that? 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


   There's this new product called MouseMail. It's a software that allows parent to check upon their children's dubious emails. It can also check up on your texts.
   I believe that this is a useful tool for monitoring younger children about 3-10. Do you really want your five year old to go EVERYWHERE on the Internet. Yeah, I don't think so. It'll be good for parents that want to be able to set their minds at ease.
   On the other hand, I also believe that older children should be trusted on the computer. By now they should know how to avoid websites that aren't a good thing to see, and that they'll be smart enough to report any instances of bullying. Parents need to give their older kids some trust and freedom.
   MouseMail can be a great tool if adults use it on the right age group. Using it on your sixteen year old kid is a bit much. So, parents should be careful not to go overboard. If they do that MouseMail can very helpful.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Barbie

  Okay, so once I got this really awful presentt from one of my uncles. He gave me a Barbie doll. Since, I've already written about this experience before. I decided I'd just express my feelings about it.
  I was in a awkward situation. I was embarrassed that I got a Barbie doll, and I felt bad because I had to lie and say that I liked it. But, I knew that my parents would kill me if I told my real thoughts about the present.
  Luckily, one thing came out of that experience that was at least slightly educational about myself. The reason that I didn't want the Barbie was because I thought that all that girly junk was unattractive. To be pampered and wear all those uncomfortable clothes would be awful.
  I guess there is a purpose for bad gifts. It's to teach us about oureselves. Mostly so we never make the mistake to buy something like said bad present for yourself.